Council discusses changing of sexist catalogue wording

By Suzanne Tomse

The Council on Instruction discussed catalogue changes, reviewed high school admission requirements and talked about the development of an undergraduate council Thursday.

Council members discussed whether the words “statesman” or “manpower” should be changed in the course description of Political Science 450, continuing a process started two years ago to change all the sexist terms in the catalogue. Previously, the council recommended to change the word “statesman” to “leaders” but the political science department did not wish to alter the course description.

Council member Joanne Fox, associate professor of Theater Arts, said the word change is an “issue of principle.” Fox noted that sexist terms in course descriptions might discourage women students. Associate Provost and council Chairman Lida Barrett agreed.

“Language reflects culture. The campus has the right to establish language guidelines,” Barrett said.

Council members agreed that the change was not a curriculum issue but a language issue and decided not to change the description. However, the words will only be referred to once in the catalogue.

In other matters, the council discussed high school course- specific requirements. Council members moved to have the requirements reviewed by the college curriculum committee of each specific college.

In addition, the council heard a report from Fox on the possible formation of an undergraduate council. The council might be formed to increase faculty input on academic decisions in undergraduate studies. Fox will be meeting with her subcommittee next week to further discuss the possibility of an undergraduate council.