Victim recalls little of bus accident

By Melissa Westphal

NIU sophomore Harpreet Rehal vaguely remembers being struck by a Huskie Bus on Tuesday afternoon, although her injured leg won’t let her forget about the accident.

“I had no idea what happened,” Rehal, a nursing major, said Wednesday from Kishwaukee Community Hospital, where she was being treated. “I started moving and had a little pain in my foot. The police think the bus tire passed over my leg.”

Rehal was struck as she crossed Lucinda Avenue toward University Circle near the Village Commons Bookstore. She was heading to her 2 p.m. class when the accident occurred.

“I was walking along the sidewalk, ready to cross, because I saw the bus and was sure I could go,” she said. “I crossed half of the street and saw the bus moving. I was a little scared, but then all I remember is waking up and having people tell me what happened.”

Huskie Bus officials refused to comment on the accident until a police report is completed. Rehal, who might be released from the hospital today, has not decided whether to press charges.

Witnesses said Tuesday that Rehal was standing on or near a snowbank and stepped into the bus’s path as it turned from University Circle east onto Lucinda.

“There was some snow on the sidewalk, and it was pretty slippery,” Rehal said. “When I walked, I kind of lost my balance, but I was still standing. I just remember being scared because I was moving, and then I saw the bus moving.”

Grounds superintendent Tom Anderson said even though extra snow hasn’t resulted in much overtime work for staff, problem areas are being cleared as quickly as possible.

“We’ve gotten more snow than we’ve had in the past five years, but everything’s been fine this winter,” Anderson said. “We have 28 miles of sidewalk and 80 acres of parking lot to cover. Of course there’s going to be some icy spots, but the problems have been minimal.”