Weekly horoscopes: Nov. 17 – Nov. 23
Zodiac signs including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Don’t let the harsh wind and bouts of snow numb you to your emotions. We must exercise tenderness at this time. Scorpio season is ending, and Sagittarius season starts Nov. 21. We need to honor this energetic shift.
Practice humility. Not everything is a competition, so stop treating them like they are. Don’t compare yourself to others to find validation. Your journey is your own, which may be hard to accept, but it’s the truth.
You might really miss a family member or two right now. This is normal. If you get the chance the next couple weeks to interact with them, take it! Their presence and love for you will help to nourish your soul.
Find balance where you can. Your life can be so chaotic you can’t even see straight, so take this as an invitation to relax sometime this week. Prioritize yourself and your health, not your various activities, tasks and chores.
Have you been paying attention to the campus wildlife? You’re probably enjoying nature as it transitions from fall to winter. We, too, are in a period of transition, with Thanksgiving break and finals coming up. Honor nature and yourself this week.
Cook something for yourself. Like any typical college student, getting takeout is essential dining, but you deserve to make something yummy that will lift your spirits. Your body craves good food, so why not give it some?
Do something fun! Often, you get so wrapped up in your boring daily business that you forget to enjoy life. Remember that you don’t only exist to eat, sleep and work — experiment with what may bring you joy this week.
You probably don’t like the cold. It numbs you and can be harsh on your overall spirits and energy. Warm your bones this week either with exercise or lounging by a fire, if a fireplace is available to you.
Happy birth season! Be gentle with yourself and others. You’re probably feeling more sensitive than usual as your season comes to a close, but don’t be sad or afraid! There are great adventures in store for you in the coming months.
Happy birth season! Find some “you” time. You’ve been working so hard that self-care has become an afterthought. Take at least an hour, maybe over the weekend, to rest and recalibrate to life. A well-deserved break is on its way.
Be mindful of screen time. You’re not usually lazy, and you use your downtime effectively, but phones are already so addictive. Winter makes a homebody of us all, but it doesn’t have to make you compulsively check your notifications all day.
When’s the last time you read a good book? Pick up a classic or a nostalgic favorite in whatever form works best for you (audiobook, e-book, paperback, etc.). This will help you reconnect with your intellect to gain new insights.
Continue pushing boundaries. You’re naturally powerful, but you might not often show it, whether due to trauma or habit. Do some soul-searching, and then express yourself as boldly or as mildly as you feel called to.