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Northern Star

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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Alexia Musgraves, a junior public health administration major, speaks at the SGA debate Thursday. The Northern Star Editorial Board endorses Musgraves for SGA President, as well as James Innis for Vice President, Aiden O’Brien for Student Trustee and Ryan Kramer for Treasurer. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Editorial: Northern Star endorses Musgraves, Innis, Kramer, O’Brien

By The Northern Star Editorial Board | March 22, 2024

Editor’s note: The Northern Star Editorial Board Staff communicated to every student running for a Student Government Association Executive Board position via email to represent themselves in a filmed interview regarding their campaign for their positions....

A huskie puppy holds a voting ballot in its mouth with its front paws up on a ballot box that reads “Vote!” Primary elections are just as important as general elections, and college students should participate in the upcoming Illinois primary elections. (Mary Ngo | Northern Star)

Editorial: Primary elections need your vote

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 3, 2024

Primary elections are coming up, and it’s of the utmost importance to vote in them, even as college students. The Illinois primary elections are the elections that determine who will be on the ballot in November for the general elections. Tasha...

A newspaper lays open on a table to a page that reads “Letters to the Editor.” The Northern Star does not receive many letters to the editor, but the Northern Star Editorial Board would love to see readers sending in more! (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)

Editorial: Letters to the editor benefit journalism

By The Northern Star Editorial Board | February 25, 2024

The last letter to the editor the Northern Star published was in February 2023. Don’t be shy, readers, send in more! WHAT ARE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR? A letter to the editor is written by a reader and delivered to a publication, often to share a...

A locker room is divided down the middle with aging and broken lockers on one side and sparkling, new lockers on the other. The Rec Center’s new locker room renovations are a good start, but much more could be done. (Debbie Allen | Northern Star)

Editorial: Rec Center renovations good, but not enough

By Northern Star Editorial Board | February 11, 2024

The NIU Recreation Center renovations have finally addressed the locker rooms’ glaring issues, but there is still a lot more work to be done. From the dark stains on the carpet to ugly blue lockers that began rusting what looked like years ago, the...

Two figures hold hands and walk beneath the DeKalb Theatre sign in Downtown DeKalb. The recent grants approved by the DeKalb City Council are investing in DeKalb's community and a sign of positive support from the city. (Gabriel Fiorini | Northern Star)

Editorial: New grants show love for DeKalb community

By Northern Star Editorial Board | February 4, 2024

DeKalb City Council approved over $700,000 in grants, split between community development and local 501(c)(3) nonprofits on Jan. 22. The investment into DeKalb’s community this year shows a strong continuance of crucial support from the city. DeKalb...

An illustrated police scanner radio sends off blue, red and white radio signals. The Northern Star Editorial Board encourages readers to listen to police department radio scanner streams. (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

Editorial: Listen to police scanners

By Northern Star Editorial Board | December 10, 2023

While it is impossible for citizens to follow along with police officers every day, there are ways to follow what is going on in the community.  Police scanners are the one of ways police officers, dispatchers and other employees stay in contact when...

A person looks at a Northern Star Tweet. The Northern Star Editorial Board explained the delivery issues experienced with its daily newsletter, TLDR. (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

Editorial: TLDR newsletter flagged ‘malicious’

By Northern Star Editorial Board | December 3, 2023

The Northern Star’s daily newsletter TLDR is not being delivered to Outlook emails, but the management board will continue to produce it despite this setback. Northern Star staff and readers began reporting on Nov. 7 that their Monday and Tuesday...

A group of students gather outside an SGA meeting. The Northern Star Editorial Board is disappointed that the SGA would let another petition, aimed as helping students, fail. (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

SGA disappoints by failing another petition

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 26, 2023

NIU’s Student Government Association has failed students again by overthinking approval of another petition.  The SGA now has two failed petitions, proving its failure to help students.  A petition is the SGA’s highest form of authority; and...

Three colorful food trucks fly above a purple background. Food trucks need to come back after Spring Break. (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

Editorial: Food Truck Wednesdays already an NIU staple

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 19, 2023

Each Wednesday, an array of local food trucks lined Normal Road, selling delectable food and drinks that ranged from burritos to frozen custard to lemonade. Dozens of students could be seen eating in MLK Commons or huddled around the trucks. This amount...

A group of Northern Star staffers sit around a table. The Northern Star Editorial Board outlines the basics of news literacy. (Joey Trella | Northern Star)

Editorial: ‘The truth shall bear all light,’ journalism explained

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 12, 2023

Not everyone understands the function of news or news organizations, so the Northern Star Editorial Board is outlining its functions and the capabilities of journalism. The Society for Professional Journalism: “Members of the Society of Professional...

Editorial: Victor E. statue falls short of expectations

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 5, 2023

A new Victor E. Huskie statue was unveiled in downtown DeKalb. While a nice gesture, it's ugly. The statue is a painted Victor E. mascot holding up the Huskie hand symbol. However, the statue isn’t even a 1:1 recreation. It is significantly shorter...

Victor E. is dressed as a ghost hold a pumpkin basket. The Northern Star Editorial board wishes everyone a "Happy Howl-oween!" (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

Editorial: History behind the ghostly holiday

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 28, 2023

How did we go from carving turnips and frightening evil spirits to carving pumpkins and creating Jack-o'-Lanterns?  Halloween traditions, such as going around our neighborhoods asking for candy, dressing up in creative costumes and carving pumpkins...