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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

An illustration of a driver's license for an individual whose organ donor status is, "No, because what if they harvest my organs rather than decide to save me?" An individual's organ donor status will not impact the care received from medical professionals.  (Christa Kim | Northern Star)

Organ donor status won’t cost your life

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | September 27, 2023

It can be a life-changing choice for someone to put their organ donation status on their driver's license. Some people fear that making this statement could affect the quality of their medical care or their chances of survival in an accident. It's...

A tattered and worn shoe sits on the ground. Fast fashion is produced quick and cheap, and it is not meant to last. (Robin Gamboa | Northern Star)

Fight back against fast fashion

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | September 26, 2023

Companies like Shein, Zara and H&M offer affordable and stylish clothing options, but have you ever stopped and thought about the environmental impact these clothes can have or whether these clothes have been made ethically? Fast fashion is cheap...

An individual uses social media on a smartphone. Which social media platform is your favorite? (Courtesy of Getty Images)

Poll: What social media platform impacts students the most?

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | September 26, 2023

Social media apps are essential to student life. Whether it's Instagram for sunsets, X (formally known as Twitter) for global conversations or TikTok for infinite fun, social media is the lifeblood of our digital age, especially among college students....

The illustrated blue center character is having a difficult time due to their mental health, and the purple and green characters decided to walk over to provide moral support. It is important to remember to check in on loved ones and utilize the many mental health resources available. (Maddie Rock | Northern Star)

Suicide prevention needs to be talked about more

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | September 25, 2023

September marks Suicide Prevention Month, reminding us of the importance of addressing mental health struggles and discovering the resources available for those in need. Due to life’s obligations such as school, work and trying to maintain a social...

A window sill with spikes to discourage homeless individuals from using the space to rest. Homeless architecture might seem like it is easy to spot but can be difficult to find, and these strange designs might be there for inhumane reasons. (Maddie Rock | Northern Star)

Anti-homeless architecture is inhumane

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | September 25, 2023

From metal spikes on the ground to dividers on benches and chairs, hostile architecture can appear in many ways. It is used to prevent and discourage people from doing certain activities in public spaces, such as skate-stoppers on a bench to prevent skateboarders.  But...

An illustration of Paul McCartney sits under the words “Paul Lives on!” The Northern Star Editorial Board apologizes to the singer for encouraging false rumors of his death. (Eleanor Gentry | Northern Star)

Editorial: Northern Star apologizes to Paul McCartney 54 years later

By Northern Star Editorial Board | September 24, 2023

The Northern Star Editorial Board would like to sincerely apologize to Paul McCartney, a musical icon, for our false Sept. 23, 1969, print issue that unethically speculated that he was dead. In 2004, the Star finally decided to yield to the truth...

Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden innocently shake hands, but a woman in the background peers at them with suspicion. Senior Opinion Columnist Emily Beebe believes the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden regarding Hunter Biden’s actions is baseless and unnecessary. (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)

Impeachment inquiry against Biden is pointless

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | September 24, 2023

In the height of the 2024 election, another jab from Republicans has been taken at Democrats. President Joe Biden has an impeachment inquiry against him. However, this is very unnecessary and brings more drama to an already contested election season. Lacking...

A Latino person sits on a bench, eats elote and enjoys the September air. Celebrating the month might seem dissonant as the world —and position it places the Latino community in with racism, anti-immigration policy and prejudice in general— clashes with the theme of celebration Latinidad.  (Jesus Blanco | Northern Star)

Cartoon: September

By Jesus Blanco, Cartoonist | September 21, 2023

Janet Rodriguez (left), president and academic chair of sorority Alpha Sigma Omega, and Liliana Guerrero, secretary, co-fundraising and co-public relations of ASO, stand at a fundraising table in DuSable Hall. The sorority had fresas con crema available for purchase. Over the summer, NIU's student involvement made changes to its regulations for student organizations hosting food fundraisers. (Alberto Briones | Northern Star)

New food policy hurts student organizations

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | September 20, 2023

As the academic year goes on, student organizations are getting ready for a new round of activities, events and fundraising. These groups, which are essential to campus life, depend on fundraising to keep going. A recent shift in policy by Student Involvement...

A child holds a tattered book covered in cobwebs while an adult tells them they are lucky to even have the book. All children deserve more than a hand-me-down education, no matter where they live. (Jesus Blanco | Northern Star)

It’s time to end hand-me-down education

By Ashley Vargas, Opinion Columnist | September 20, 2023

The American public school system has become just as frigid as our Midwest winters. There is no room for growth, to get a better house, to go to a better school, to get a better job, to live a better life. So, in order to survive we must make do with...

A user’s log-in information hangs from a fishing hook under the sea. Students should utilize NIU’s online phishing training and stay educated on cybercrime. (Courtesy of Getty Images)

Stay educated about online phishing

By Lexi Nebel, Opinion Columnist | September 19, 2023

In the digital age, technology has transformed the way that we live our day to day lives. Unfortunately, there are consequences that come along with the rise of technology, such as a rise in cybercrimes. Within the past several weeks at NIU, students...

Victor E. Huskie waves at the camera in front of Altgeld Hall. The upcoming 116th Homecoming at NIU will be a great opportunity to exhibit Huskie pride. (Courtesy of Northern Illinois University)

Homecoming unites campus and city

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | September 19, 2023

NIU students are in for a week of spirited celebrations from Oct. 8 to Oct. 15. This is a great chance for students to show their Huskie pride and get excited about both their alma mater and the lively city of DeKalb. NIU's homecoming isn't just a...