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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Questions search

January 27, 1989

The associate athletic director appointment is a curious one. The extent to which a national search was undertaken, with qualified candidates being reviewed, should be scrutinized. It is difficult to envision developing an athletic program on accountability...

DeKalb’s landfill needs you

January 27, 1989

When trash begins to pile up in apartments, houses and dorm rooms, most people at least have a place to take it. Not so for DeKalb County. It seems the county landfill is getting full. Next month, county board members will be asked to review an application...

Driver not at fault

January 27, 1989

Traffic traveling too fast?? Oops, another student bites the dust from a hit by a car??? Stupid old cars, make them go slower!!! I cross Normal Road several times a day on foot and I also drive down this road so I see both sides of the story. Most cars...

Dance was ignored

January 27, 1989

The pressure of media publicizing racist incidents at Northern is quite evident, however it is often involved in presenting only one side of the race-related activities at this university. On Dec. 1 through 3 the Department of Theatre Arts sponsored the...

Sometimes the home isn’t much of a castle

By Marianne Renner | January 27, 1989

I'm not sure if life was more difficult for women before or after the befuddling ERA movement. (And, I don't mean Earned Run Average.) I used to think I was really tough. You know, real cool ‘cause I was going to go to college and after that pursue...

‘Sanction’ misused

January 27, 1989

A front page headline on Jan. 17 commits a common error when dealing with the word "sanction." This interesting word has very different meanings as a noun and as a verb. As a noun (for example, "the organization received a sanction") the word refers to...

‘Dummies’ again

January 27, 1989

Well, you dummies did it again. You know your teachers, as far back as the 3rd grade, always told you to look up a word if you weren't sure of its meaning. Take a good look at the box head on page 1 of Tuesday's Star (Lambda Chi Sanctioned). Here are...

NIU should accept proposal

January 26, 1989

An editorial in this space last week urged the Illinois Board of Higher Education to go ahead with its original plans to upgrade the admissions standards of state universities. The IBHE had been balking at finally putting into effect its newly-proposed...

Congress should block raise

January 25, 1989

The members of Congress would do well to reject their proposed 50 percent pay increase. Too many arguments can be made against raising our representatives' and senators' pay by this amount for Congress to accept former president Reagan's endorsement of...

Income tax program dissolves

January 25, 1989

Plans for a Student Accounting Society-sponsored income tax assistance program dissolved after it was discovered that the date for a qualifying exam that the volunteers should have taken passed unnoticed in December. SAS President Christine Smith said...

Hospital offers program

January 25, 1989

Kishwaukee Community Hospital will offer a six-session program called "Eater's Choice" aimed at improving eating habits and reducing cholesterol. The course will be offered at 7 p.m. on alternate Tuesdays from Feb. 7 until April 18. The $150 registration...

Voting necessary, but difficult

January 25, 1989

Today is the last day for students to get out and vote for Student Association Senate candidates, who are running for very important and responsible positions. Senators make decisions about such matters as distribution of student fees—your fees—to...