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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Frats and alcohol—a bad mix

October 4, 1988

Drinking orgies have long been identified with the greek system. This reputation is not however, without foundation. In the words of Sigma Phi Epsilon President Steve Coloia, "Insurance companies do not want to cover fraternities anymore." And with good...

Senate full of Indian givers

October 4, 1988

The Student Association has shown once again that it has mastered the art of bad public relations. At one point during Sunday's meeting, the SA gave WKDI $10,000 to pay for legal fees needed to put the station on the air. The station is currently offered...

Idea to let ‘peewees’ into local bar stinks

October 4, 1988

An 18-year-old said to me last week, "You should write an article on letting minors into the bars." Well, first of all THIS IS A COLUMN not an article! A column is the opinion of the writer and an article is objective factual reporting, regardless of...

Greeks not all alike

October 4, 1988

In response to the Sept. 13 column written by Marianne Renner, I contest her points that first, all greeks represent the same ideas, and second, the senate must be redistricted. Ms. Renner states, "if you vote for one, you vote for all." That may or may...

Dirty looks won’t win non-smokers battle

October 4, 1988

The world is often said to be divided among a variety of classes: monarchist and republican, conservationist and poacher, bourgeois and proletariat, labor and management. The emergence of the health and fitness revolution in recent years has brought forward...

Friday night fiasco

October 4, 1988

Well NIU black greeks, you did it again. Talk about a party! Not only did the members of Omega Psi Phi and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternities show the true meaning of "brotherhood" at the Friday night fiasco, they also succeeded in proving to everyone who ever...

Thanks LaTourette

October 4, 1988

In these very difficult economic times, I would like to thank President LaTourette for working hard to come up with a raise for me and other civil servants. His concern for the quality of our university and its supporting staff is greatly appreciated....

Wage bill would’ve lead to better opportunities

October 3, 1988

Have you ever had the feeling that you've been working for a long time but you're still making the same amount of money? Well, you probably have. You see, it's like this. You're in college, struggling relentlessly to get an education. You can't work full...

Children needed

October 3, 1988

I was truly dismayed when I read the recent editorial written by Jeff Vogelsang, on Sept. 19. I was sad because I feel Jeff was playing on the emotions of students who may not have time to research the facts about which he writes. Since 1973, when abortion...

Unity success’ key

October 3, 1988

I laughed when a Sept. 20 editorial characterized the SA election as being similar to an election in the Soviet Union. It is apparent that the Star cannot see the forest for the trees. If the SA is dominated by greeks, it is because of student apathy,...

Plan condemned too quickly

October 3, 1988

The time is long overdue for complaints about the inadequacies of funding for higher education in Illinois to stop and constructive action to be taken. More must be taken into consideration on the part of state and university leaders than tax hikes and...

Get the facts first

September 30, 1988

I usually don't read your paper but the article about Grant Tower North's window being broken caught my attention. Why did you hold GTN staff responsible for something they didn't have any control over? Why did you once again misquote people? Why did you talk about issues such as no shoes? People here are 18-20 years old. They have eyes—I'm sure they can figure out that broken glass means wear shoes. And why, if your reporter was so offended, didn't he pick up the glass?

It's easy to down someone else's job if you've never done it. Instead of waiting for "newsbreaking" things to happen, why don't you try to stop them before they happen? That's what resident assistants do. RAs do not do this job for power or for the ever-famous "own room." If I wanted a job that just screwed people over, I'd become a Northern Star reporter. If I just wanted my own room, I'd buy a single. Next time, please get the facts before slandering others.

Kim Antos

resident assistant

Grant Towers North