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Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fight worthwhile

October 10, 1988

I am writing in response to the ludicrous letter by Marlo Buddy (Sept. 28) requesting the Star to drop the issue of Martha Palmer. I must say I didn't realize business majors were being schooled in censorship, but with your management background, I'm...

Walkout ‘brilliant’

October 10, 1988

I am currently enrolled in Linda Son's Math 101, and I have to admit—I thought it would be an easy A. Too bad, so sad, it's not that easy. It shocked me, and it obviously startled you, too. I realized that I had to study. Well guys, instead of choosing...

Invite committee to meetings

October 10, 1988

The question of people's voice in making decisions at NIU has come up once again. This time the question concerns members of the Campus Parking Committee. Chairman Robert Bornhuetter, Parking Manager Lynn Fraser and four NIU officials met absent the rest...

‘Incredible music’

October 5, 1988

On Sept. 29 I attended the Interfaith Celebration for Peace in the commons that was held as part of Unity in Diversity Week. The reason that I attended was to hear NIU's Black Choir. I had attended one of their performances last spring and was anxiously...

League deserves three cheers

October 5, 1988

Cheers are in order for the League of Women Voters. Monday the group announced they would no longer sponsor presidential debates because the candidates gave the group no control over the format of the debate the league planned to pay for. Once again the...

Keep opinions out

October 5, 1988

I have been furiated (sic.) by the recent articles shown in the Star about the SA elections. These articles, instead of focusing on SA issues, are constantly putting down greek organizations and their members. I feel that it should be obvious that these...

Casual user a myth

October 5, 1988

I strongly object to the content and the tone of Jeff Vogelsang's Sept. 26 column. His version of the "reality of drug use" is a fantasy, and his solution to the drug problem does not work. Jeff mentions the "casual user" of drugs and asserts that they...

Let’s try respect

October 5, 1988

I can't resist the opportunity to add my support and agreement to the letter in the Sept. 28 Northern Star by Wes Covalt. I have had some irregular contact with this university over the past 17 years and must admit that most of my experiences have been...

Warning: This Column Could Be Dangerous

October 5, 1988

Americans must have a fetish for warning labels. At least that's the only explanation I can think of that makes any sense. Now I have nothing against warning people about unsuspected hazards and dangers which may befall them if they don't know any better....

Writer misinformed

October 5, 1988

In response to the Sept. 23 letter by Mike Buonarroti, I am wondering where Mr. Buonarroti developed the idea that David Hardin's work has infact been acquisitioned into one of the universities art collections. Mr. Buonarroti's meandering statements about...

Not another poll again!

October 5, 1988

I've noticed an annoying trend in newpaper practices. It seems that popularity/opinion polls and questionnaires have become increasingly popular. You'll pardon my directness, but I find them terribly boring and, for the most part, irrelevant to someone...

Alcohol-related deaths and injuries are preventable

October 4, 1988

Well Now Last year three NIU students died in alcohol related incidents. a male student who had been drinking was walking home alone. He fell, cut his thigh on some glass, and bled to death before he was found the next day. a female student was fatally...