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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Don’t discriminate against freshmen

September 15, 1988

I may be a freshman, which in turn makes one assume that I have a fully biased opinion. I will, though, support my facts and oppositions fully, unlike the author of "Freshman Needn't Bring Cars." I'll simply call the author "Jed" to simplify this note....

Counselor replies

September 14, 1988

In the letter to the editor titled "Claims unfounded" by one of the other CHANCE counselors in the office; he is right when he says it has been an interesting few months in our area. It has been an interesting three years! This past year has been more...

Look out, stress lurks just around the corner

September 14, 1988

I stopped home last Saturday afternoon to run a few errands and catch up on some of those family responsibilities that mothers are always reminding their children to do. It was a nice change of pace for a Saturday afternoon. So after I had accomplished...

Facts overlooked

September 14, 1988

In the Sept. 1 issue of The Northern Star, Mr. Clifford Hughes treated us to a lecture on "ideological myopia" and "mental encumbrance" concerning the Contra picture on Aug. 31. What Mr. Hughes overlooks is that a number of Contras are leaving rather...

City needs reform

September 14, 1988

In response to Ms. Renner's column in the Sept. 6 edition of The Northern Star, the main issue before the people of DeKalb is, what type of government do we want? Do we want a closed and secretive government or do we want an open and honest administration?...

No excuse for statue’s delay

September 14, 1988

With the bungling bureaucracy and the terminal case of committeeitus prevalent here at NIU, many items and problems slip through cracks in the floor, where they stay until a roaring blaze is set under the administration. Unfortunately, such is the case...

Gun stance ironic

September 14, 1988

When I was in grade school, I learned that two plus two equals four. When I was in junior high, I learned that girls were not that bad after all. In high school, I learned that my older brother was not joking when he said that the cafeteria food was like...

Task force to ponder formation of senate

September 13, 1988

The Faculty Senate Task Force, an arm of NIU's Faculty Assembly, will meet Wednesday to discuss the possible formation of a faculty senate at NIU. Last year, the Faculty Assembly discussed the possibility of replacing itself with a faculty senate which...

Area school benefits from sale of celed memorabilia

September 13, 1988

St. Mary's School of Sycamore is holding its twelfth annual fall festival and auction, featuring the sale of celebrity memorabilia, on Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Among the items to be auctioned are a bow tie from Sen. Paul Simon, autographed pictures of former...

Students deserve fair senate representation

September 13, 1988

It's kind of ironic that last year, a group of students ran for the Student Association Senate claiming they were "students for all students." But these "students for ‘all' students," in fact, represented only about 10 percent of the student population....

Claims unfounded

September 12, 1988

It has been an interseting past few months in the Educational Services and Programs office (yes, where the CHANCE program is located.) With unfounded and ludicrous accusations flying, I feel there is a need for a voice to be heard other than that of Martha...

NIU Provost cites 20 percent error in drug tests

By Jeneva Garrett | September 12, 1988

Opponents in the controversy regarding new requirements for prison instructors to take urine tests for drug use detection cannot agree on the accuracy of the tests. While research done by an independent prison watchdog group indicates a five percent minimum...