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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Recycling station

February 2, 1987

Many students are concerned about where their student fees go. Contrary to what some believe, not all student fees are piddled away by administrators. The Student Association Recycling Station is one example of well-spent student fees. There are many...

Misplaced word

February 2, 1987

Due to a typographical error in the Star, a word was inserted into my letter of Jan. 3. The word so altered my sentence that a correction is in order. My original letter read, "Since August 1985, the U.S. has conducted at least 22 tests; the Soviet Union...

Gorbachev’s ideas sound great, but…

January 30, 1987

Sometimes words left out of a sentence are just as important as those left in. Especially in the case of political figures, whose words usually are just fluff. General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union was out in full force this week looking...

Why doesn’t everyone get off Reagan’s back?

January 30, 1987

Today we're going to talk about Ronald Reagan since that seems to be the trendy thing to do these days. Doesn't anybody want to talk about Mr. T anymore? But before we get down to some serious socio-political "stuff," I think it's only fair that I fire...

Ending abortion

January 30, 1987

In regard to Ms. Barton's (et al) comments in the Tuesday, Jan. 27 edition, I am overjoyed the National Organization of Women views abortion as unpleasant. The old saying goes, "You have to walk before you can run." Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, "When...

No nuclear tests

January 30, 1987

On Feb. 5, the United States plans to conduct its first nuclear test of this year. Since August 1985, the United States has conducted at least 22 tests; the Soviet Union probably has conducted none. According to Mikhail Gorbachev, the February U.S. test...

It’s time for Reagan to open Iranian file

January 29, 1987

President Reagan had a golden opportunity Tuesday to be honest with the nation about what went on concerning the Iran-contra affair. But with the help of several rounds of applause and a few fancy phrases used to ignite the nation's patriotism, the president...

ROTC expensive

January 29, 1987

Hooray! Hooray! Let's have three cheers for those military students who are serving their country! Let's just hope they find a way to do it more cheaply. The ROTC boondoggle at NIU employs one Lt. Col., three majors and two captains, in addition to a...


January 29, 1987

As an active member of an NIU sports club, I completely agree with Eric Battaglia about the prestige these clubs can bring to the university. They bring enjoyment and good friends to those who participate in them and can make a name for Northern at the...

Reagan’s speech a golden opportunity

January 26, 1987

Tomorrow vening, President Reagan will face a national TV audience to give his State of the Union address. Hopefully, the president will attempt to shed some light on the state of disunion facing the nation that grew out of the Iran-contra affair. eagan...

Essence of education getting lost in ‘hoopla’

January 26, 1987

What is the purpose of attending college? This question was recently asked by the instructor of one of my political science classes. As most of us sat fidgeting and looking down at the floor, one brave soul raised her hand. She said that the sole purpose...

Graduate school

January 26, 1987

A Jan. 16 Star article gave a nice explanation of the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Awards that the Graduate School makes available to outstanding NIU graduate students completing their doctoral degrees. If I may correct one serious factual error in...