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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

BSU gets supplemental funding from SA Senate

By Betsy Mathew | April 7, 2014

Student Association Senate passed a resolution to provide $8,925 in supplemental funding to the Black Student Union at Senate’s Sunday meeting.The BSU is an umbrella organization that supports at least 22 organizations on campus.“We focus on unity...

Race sparks discussion at SA

By Jackie Nevarez | February 24, 2014

The Student Association Senate’s guest speaker spoke about the origin of Black History Month, leading to some disagreement among senators Sunday.Guest speakerDerrick Smith, academic counselor at the Center for Black Studies and adviser to the Black...

Campus Radio looks for more listener support

By Lark Lewis | February 19, 2014

Campus Live Radio is looking to expand its broadcast and its audience.Sponsored by the Black Student Union, Campus Live Radio is streamed online twice a week through its Tumblr account.The station has coined the phrases “Turn Up Tuesdays” and “What’s...

DeKalb Mayor John Rey visited the Skyroom Sunday during the Student Association's Senate meeting to speak to members of SA. Rey said the city and NIU are looking to bridge gaps by communicating with city departments and officials and the student body, and by reaching out to student groups and organizations.

Rey meets with SA Senate, talks about NIU-city relationship

By Shaz Sheikhali | October 20, 2013

Mayor John Rey spoke with the Student Association Senate on city-university partnerships at the Senate’s meeting Sunday.CommuniversityRey hopes to build a relationship between NIU and the community. He plans on doing this by maintaining contact with...

Black Student Union holds elections debate

By Guadalupe Lopez | April 10, 2013

Members of the Black Student Union (BSU) gathered to hear from its executive board candidates on Wednesday at the Holmes Student Center, Room 405. NIU’s Black Student Union elections will be held on Wednesday and April 18. During the debate, current...

Student Spotlight: Danielle Young

By Logan Love | February 5, 2013

The Northern Star talks diversity, leadership and family with Danielle Young, a senior sociology major from Northern Illinois University.

BSU’s holds African Fest in honor of Black Heritage Month

By Kelly Marshall | February 3, 2013

Black Heritage Month will observe the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington this year, and NIU has several celebratory events planned out. Hosted by the Black Student Union...

Members of S.I.S.T.E.R.S. celebrating their Powder Puff win Sunday.

S.I.S.T.E.R.S. take home Powder Puff crown

By Northern Star Staff | October 10, 2012

Campus Activities Board hosted the annual Powder Puff football tournament Sunday, according to a Black Student Union (BSU) press release. The championship game was played against the Eta Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega (APO), who were the champions of the...

(Students names from left to right on couch): Junior communications major Jordan Reed; Andy Vikre, junior political science major; and Delonte LeFlore, senior organizational and computer communications major, watch the first presidential debate from the New Orleans Room of Stevenson C Tower Wednesday night. The debate was between presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.

Students divided over who ‘won’ presidential debate

By Alan Kozeluh | October 3, 2012

The first 2012 presidential debate triggered mixed reactions from members of student organizations. Members of the Black Student Union (BSU) gathered in Stevenson C Tower to watch the debate. Phillip Jones, College Democrats president, senior political...

Mike Mudge, consultant for Rock River Energy Services, Co., discusses DeKalb County residents seeking third-party energy suppliers at the city council meeting Monday night.

Council approves NIU agreement

By Joe Palmer | April 23, 2012

The DeKalb City Council voted unanimously in favor of an agreement between the city and NIU’s Board of Trustees in a meeting Monday. The agreement would allow DeKalb City Manager Mark Biernacki to enter into an agreement to begin work on the DeKalb...

Mayor of DeKalb, Kris Povlsen asks the City Attorney, Dean Frieders a question concerning his voting power on city ordances.

Council approves lobbyist

By Jordan Birchfield | February 28, 2012

The DeKalb city council approved a measure that would earmark $88,000 for a contract with mCapitol Management to serve as the city’s federal lobbyist. The contract was approved by a 4-3 vote. The council hired mCapital to provide legislative assistance...

The Center for Black Studies sits adjacent to a vacant lot where
the new DeKalb Police Station will reside.

Black Student Union opposes location of new police station

By Felix Sarver | January 17, 2012

The City of DeKalb hasn't won everyone over with the new location of the police station.The Black Student Union (BSU) has been gathering signatures for a petition against the construction of a new police station near the intersection of West Lincoln Highway...