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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Even after trailing in the projected polls on Election Day, President-elect Donald Trump was able to win more than the necessary 270 electoral votes by flipping swing states. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas, originally projected to be “blue” states, were key wins in his victory to become president over Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Trump flips swing states for win

By Nicole Scott | November 10, 2016

Even after trailing in the projected polls on Election Day, President-elect Donald Trump was able to win more than the necessary 270 electoral votes by flipping swing states. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas, originally projected to be “blue” states, were key wins in his victory to become president over Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Protests call for dialogue

By Ian Tancun | October 27, 2016

Students should participate in dialogues regarding social justice issues rather than criticize those who choose to organize non-violent demonstrations on campus.Multiple protests have taken place on campus recently in support of the Black Lives Matter...

Pass/Fail: National protests get local attention; Huskies should go to football games

By Angela Pagan | October 17, 2016

Pass: National protests get local attentionThe Black Student Union held multiple demonstrations on campus this past week in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. I applaud its efforts to bring attention to a national issue to NIU.The action of the...

Demonstrators made up of Black Student Union members and students lay across a bridge to honor the Black Lives Matter movement outside Cole Hall around noon Tuesday. Some students wore garbage bags to represent those who died and others held signs with information about individuals who died at the hands of police. About 200 students stopped to watch the demonstration.

Students unify with protest

By Nancy Galan | October 13, 2016

Demonstrators made up of Black Student Union members and students lay across a bridge to honor the Black Lives Matter movement outside Cole Hall around noon Tuesday. Some students wore garbage bags to represent those who died and others held signs with information about individuals who died at the hands of police. About 200 students stopped to watch the demonstration.

#ProjectOutline aims to educate and raise awareness at NIU

By Ian Tancun | October 3, 2016

Students should be aware of the importance of #Project Outline and the people whose untimely deaths led to the creation of this project.Students may have noticed chalk outlines of deceased people drawn throughout campus on Sept. 22. The outlines were...

Divided: Students respond to Black Lives Matter movement

Divided: Students respond to Black Lives Matter movement

By Xavier Ortega | September 26, 2016

Computer science major Andy writes in blue chalk “Mike Brown grabbed an officer’s gun, robbed a convenient store and stole a box of cigars. Cops: 1. Thugs: 0,” next to a green chalk outline of Michael Brown’s noon Thursday outside of Cole Hall. Brown, an unarmed, black teenager, was killed by Officer Darren Wilson Aug. 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri. Wilson was responding to reports of a convenience store theft and linked Brown to the crime. After an altercation between the two, Brown ran towards Wilson, who responded by firing his gun, hitting Brown at least six times, according to an Aug. 10, 2015, New York Times article.

Black Student Union uses annual showcase as recruitment tool

By Alexis Malapitan | March 31, 2016

The Black Student Union hopes to use its annual Rep Yo Org showcase as a recruitment and retention tool for freshmen.Rep Yo Org is a showcase sponsored by BSU. At the event, different black organizations showcase what their organization is about. This...

BSU to hold water drop-off for Flint water crisis victims

By Northern Star staff | February 24, 2016

The Black Student Union will hold a Flint water drop-off for victims of the water crisis in Flint, Mich. Drop-off locations will include noon to 3 p.m. Wednesday and Friday at Neptune Central, noon to 3 p.m. Thursday and Monday in the Holmes Student...

Quintonio LeGrier’s mother Janet Cooksey thanks everyone who was in attendance for the memorial honoring deceased former NIU students Quintonio LeGrier and Joseph Graves.

Family, friends honor LeGrier, Graves at memorial

By Leah Nicolini | January 28, 2016

Quintonio LeGrier’s mother Janet Cooksey thanks everyone who was in attendance for the memorial honoring deceased former NIU students Quintonio LeGrier and Joseph Graves.

SA approves $1.5K in funds for BSU

By Northern Star staff | November 16, 2015

The Black Student Union was awarded $1,575 in supplemental funding Sunday to cover costs for its members to attend the National Black Student Union Conference.

The annual conference will be held Friday to Sunday at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus, and will focus on addressing the recruitment, retention and graduation of black students, according to the National BSU’s website.

BSU President Timi Adeboje said the amount would cover registration and rooming for five representatives to attend the conference, while transportation would be covered by the group’s current funds.

The Student Association Senate approved the funding in full.

Weekend Guide August 27

By Northern Star staff | August 27, 2015

Northern Star staffCongratulations! You’ve successfully made your way through the first week of classes. Take some time to unwind and escape from the strenuous homework and not-so-friendly professors at these events this weekend:TodayGraduate student...

Black Student Union to hold Chill Fest April 25

By Northern Star staff | April 13, 2015

The Black Student Union will hold its annual Chill Fest 5-10 p.m. April 25 at the Center for Black Studies.Chill Fest is open to the public and will have music, free food and games. There will be a barbecue with hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken sandwiches....