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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

3 DeKalb bars return liquor licenses over summer

By John Bachmann | August 23, 2010

DeKalb nightlife options have gotten smaller during the summer months. Three businesses closed over the summer, including Tequila Roadhouse, 1215 Blackhawk Road, Krystal's Lounge, 122 S. First St. and Campus Club Bar and Grill, 1000 W. Lincoln Highway....

City police blotter for Aug. 23

By Northern Star Staff | August 23, 2010

The following was taken directly from area police and fire department records, or from the DeKalb County court records. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. At 12:04 a.m. Sunday, DeKalb Police were called to Lord...

2 day Middlewest Fest coming to DeKalb

By Troy Doetch | August 19, 2010

When it comes to music festivals, the closest thing locals have is Corn Fest, which may not satisfy the musical hunger of everyone. As if in response to the prayers of the hardcore and the punk rock set, Kickstand Productions has thrown together the first...

Must-sees of the DeKalb music scene

By Connor Rice | August 19, 2010

In a city with a vibrant, 21-and-over nightlife, seeing bands and entertainment outside of bars can be a difficult thing to do if you're not shelling out serious coin. Thankfully, in a college town like DeKalb, there are plenty all-ages venues out there...

Fact or Fiction: DeKalb Style

By Chris Krapek | August 19, 2010

1) Barb Wire was invented in DeKalb: FACT Why do you think they call it the Barb City? Because Joseph Glidden, one of DeKalb's most prominent historical figures, patented the idea for barb wire in 1874. That, and because we're known for our razor sharp...

DeKalb plans new welcome event

By Emily Goins | August 19, 2010

DeKALB | The DeKalb community and NIU are teaming up to put on a one-day welcome event for students new to the area.Huskies SEE DeKalb will take place Thursday Aug. 26 from 3 to 8 p.m. in downtown DeKalb."This is a first-time event put on to show off...