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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student Association Senator Brandon Phillips, author of the bill.

Senate debates adding historian position

By Ashley Morse | February 16, 2015

After a 40-minute debate, the Student Association Senate passed a bill to allow the creation of a SA historian position with a 19-13 vote.The historian will be responsible for archiving minutes, legislation and campaign details of the Senate. The Senate...

Kelly Iseli, sophomore electrical engineering major, places her vote tuesday for the Student Association Senate at DuSable Hall in September 2013.

SA Senate looking for ways to improve elections turnout

By Andre Phillips | February 12, 2015

The Student Association Senate is considering implementing online voting and spring elections to boost student awareness and participation in SA Senate elections, said SA Senate Speaker Dillon Domke.SA Senate elections turnout has been declining: 720...

‘Solutions’ focus of updated SA motto

By Ashley Morse | February 9, 2015

Student Association President Joe Frascello announced the Student Association’s new motto, “Engaging Student Solutions,” as well as the SA’s initiatives for the spring semester and beyond at SA Senate Sunday.Experience, safety and health and sustainability...

Student Association Senate pushes for printing change, election rescheduling

By Ashley Morse | February 5, 2015

The Student Association Senate wants to revamp campus printing by using a prepaid plan as NIU prepares to cut all free printing.The printing plan is one of three major targets of the SA Senate as Speaker Dillon Domke said senators will survey students...

Board of Trustees approve cost attendance changes: tuition and fees up, housing down

By Jackie Nevarez | December 7, 2014

The Board of Trustees approved recommendations Thursday that would lower the overall cost of attendance for full-time undergraduate students living on campus.The approved recommendations mean new undergraduate students will pay $22,706 in tuition, fees...

Mayor John Rey speaks about plans to improve DeKalb next year Sunday at the Student Association Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. The Senate voted to support a change in parking hours on Garden Road.

Student Association Senate supports shortening Garden Road parking ban

By Margaret Maka | November 17, 2014

The Student Association Senate voted Sunday to unanimously support a parking ordinance changing the parking ban on Garden Road from 2-9 a.m. to 2-6 a.m.SA Senate Speaker Dillon Domke said DeKalb Police Chief Gene Lowery approached the Senate Friday and...

CIO wants feedback on printing

By Margaret Maka | November 10, 2014

Chief Information Officer Brett Coryell asked Student Association senators if they would like to render an opinion about changes to the student printing quota at SA Senate’s meeting Sunday.Coryell said a decision was made a few years ago to centralize...

Senate approves neutrality in bylaws

By Margaret Maka | November 2, 2014

Student Association Senate has approved a bill to enforce neutral viewpoints among SA members, as in the selection of SA Senators.The bill, approved at Sunday’s SA Senate meeting, requires all SA officials involved in the Senate’s vacancy approval...

SA gives recognition to retiring VP

By Margaret Maka | October 26, 2014

The Student Association Senate passed a motion to honor Bill Nicklas, vice president of Operations and Community Relations, as an eternal honorary senator Sunday for his advocacy of students’ rights and shared governance, said SA Senate Speaker Dillon...

SA discussing mistake shows transparency

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 20, 2014

The Student Association took the first step in opening a potentially difficult discussion between students and their representatives last week.The SA openly addressed a voting violation after nine elected senators-at-large were illegitimately welcomed...

The Student Association Senate meets Sunday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room. The Senate had a redo of last week’s senator-at-large candidates after it was discovered the Senate disobeyed SA Bylaws. In order to adhere to the bylaws, senator-at-large candidates were voted on to the Senate by a two-thirds majority and were not allowed to vote on other business matters until every senator-at-large candidate at the meeting had been voted on. 

Senate full after redo of last week

By Margaret Maka | October 19, 2014

Following last Sunday’s breach of the Student Association bylaws, eight senator-at-large candidates went before the SA Senate Sunday for another vote.Senate Speaker Dillon Domke and the Rules and Procedures committee decided to redo the vote after the...

SA rule mixup means some senators must be re-elected

By Jackie Nevarez | October 16, 2014

Nine Student Association senator-at-large candidates will have to go before the SA Senate again after a breach of SA Bylaws occurred when they were elected Sunday, said SA Senate Speaker Dillon Domke.At Sunday’s SA Senate meeting, the Senate interviewed...