An Open Letter to the Discouraged and Undecided
By Sarah Lalond
| December 10, 2018

Library to extend hours, provide computer lockers during finals week
By Northern Star staff
| November 11, 2015
Top 5: Relieve finals stress with food, frequent breaks
By Anthony Szudarski
| April 24, 2014
InFocus: What gets you through finals?
By Gina Lorusso, Jackie Nevarez, Kim Randall, and Danny Cozzi
| December 8, 2013
Nourish your mind for stress finals week brings
By Blake Glosson
| December 2, 2013
Stay focused for end of semester
By Kim Randall
| November 14, 2013
What not to do during finals week
By AJ Edwards
| May 6, 2013
Church, students pray the stress away
By Logan Love
| April 30, 2013
Finals week requires good balance of work, music
By Beth Schumacher
| December 2, 2012
Health Enhancement to host stress free zones on campus
By Lauren Dielman
| November 27, 2011