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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pierce remembers time playing in different states, overseas

By Matt Boecker | December 5, 2019

DeKALB — Not many people can say they’ve lived in five states and three countries by the time they were 18 years old. Even fewer can say they played hockey while doing so.Hunter Pierce was born in North Pole, Alaska. When Hunter was eight years old,...

Local couple provides healthy food options to community members

By Taher Zeitoun | October 18, 2018

DeKALB — Local DeKalb business Healthy AF Nutrition fights to prove eating healthy is possible through simple recipes using fresh ingredients.Co-owners Jackie DeCleene and Adrian Lopez run the daily operations and manage the company. They started the...

Simple changes to eating healthy

By Rachel Sanchez | June 25, 2018

It doesn't take the duo of Mythbusters to prove that “freshman 15” exists. Our busy schedules may only have room to eat fast food. Not only is this eating habit bad for you, but the amount you spend at the dollar menu adds up. As a broke college student,...

Dietary intern gives talk about healthy eating

By Sierra Lowe | September 26, 2012

For dietary intern Allison Douglas, the freshmen 15 phenonmenon is not realistic. Douglas said the weight gain for freshmen ranges between 2- to 6-pounds. Douglas gave a talk to students on eating myths like freshmen 15 and other dieting issues Wednesday....

Dining halls try to keep up with demand for healthy food options

By Lauren Dielman | October 19, 2011

Freshman OMIS major Nathan Soto said he thinks food options in the dining halls leave something to be desired. "I think they [need healthier options]," Soto said. "I'm a vegetarian, and all they really have for the grill is boca burgers; they will have...