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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Lucinda Avenue extension sits partially constructed on an area of land where Douglas Hall used to stand. 

Lucinda extension to open Wednesday

By Northern Star staff | November 17, 2015

NIU will hold a grand opening of the Lucinda Avenue extension, a stretch of road that connects Lucinda Avenue to Stadium Drive West, Wednesday.The event will mark the conclusion to a year-long project to help create what NIU President Doug Baker has called...

Check out the 10 most-read Northern Star stories of 2014-15

By Kelly Bauer | May 5, 2015

Catch up on the news and columns you missed this academic year by checking out the 10 most-read Northern Star stories.If you're interested in all the news -- and there was quite a bit in between the Huskies losing at Homecoming and the university implementing...

Victor E. Huskie rides a Huskie Pup at the Communiversity Block Party on April 13 outside Huskie Stadium.

Huskie Pups make spring return

By Augustin Zehnder | April 13, 2015

Correction: This article said the golf cart-sized Huskie Pups bought by the Alumni Association are larger than the old Huskie Pups. They are actually smaller than the older Huskie Pups.The Huskie Pups are scheduled to return today with an expanded route...

Ron Walters, who provided consulting services to NIU President Doug Baker, discusses the Master Plan Thesis during a Feb. 9, 2014, Student Association Senate meeting. A Northern Star analysis found Walters was paid about $460,000 during 18 months of work at NIU and he was improperly reimbursed about $32,000 for travel expenses.

Consultant Ron Walters paid $460K in 18 months, even without scheduled work

By Kelly Bauer | March 30, 2015

Ron Walters, who provided consulting services to NIU President Doug Baker until Dec. 31, was paid more than $460,000 during 18 and a half months, even when records indicate he didn’t have scheduled work.Walters’ salary varied throughout his time at...

Ron Walters at Student Association Senate

Ron Walters at Student Association Senate

By Alexandra Meyer | March 30, 2015

Ron Walters, who provided consulting services to NIU President Doug Baker, discusses the Master Plan Thesis during a Feb. 9, 2014, Student Association Senate meeting. A Northern Star analysis found Walters was paid about $460,000 during 18 months of work...

Michael Herrera, senior political science major, looks out the window of the Huskie Pup Bus Oct. 7 as he takes a ride to class. Three Huskie Pups arrived to campus Monday, but they will not be available for students until next week, said Bill Nicklas, vice president of Operations and Community Relations. 

$95K Huskie Pups used for only 36 days, showing NIU’s wastefulness

By Northern Star Editorial Board | February 5, 2015

After the $95,500 purchase of four Huskie Pups that couldn’t make it through the winter, NIU should be more wary while making purchases for its Master Plan Thesis.Bought to provide transportation via shuttle from one end of the campus to the other,...

Huskie Pups may come back after spring break

By Frank Gogola | February 5, 2015

NIU will decide in the coming weeks when it will bring the Huskie Pups out of hibernation, although Brett Williams, Student Association director of Mass Transit, said he would “be leaning toward after spring break.”Belinda Roller, an Architectural...

Douglas Hall torn down to make way for Lucinda Avenue extension

By Satta Kendor | January 12, 2015

The ramped-up deconstruction of Douglas Hall during winter break was the first step in extending Lucinda Avenue.The deconstruction is part of NIU President Doug Baker’s Master Plan Thesis, an outline of ideas to improve campus. The extension of Lucinda...

Douglas Hall torn down over winter break 2014

By Frank Gogola | December 17, 2014

This photo shows the deconstruction of Douglas Hall on Dec. 16, 2014. NIU continued its deconstruction of Douglas Hall as part of the Master Plan Thesis during winter break 2014. The residence hall, which was shuttered at the beginning of the fall semester, is being removed so Lucinda Avenue may be extended.

John Cheney, interim associate vice president of Facilities, introduces design firms Sunday at the Student Association Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center. Representatives from three design firms spoke about renovations to the Holmes Student Center and Neptune residence halls.

NIU plans revamp of Holmes Student Center, Neptune

By Margaret Maka | December 8, 2014

Representatives from three design firms spoke at Sunday’s Student Association Senate meeting about renovations to the Holmes Student Center and Neptune residence halls, which could include adding restaurants and a music venue.John Cheney, interim associate...

Doug Baker reflects on 1 year at NIU, sets out goals

Doug Baker reflects on 1 year at NIU, sets out goals

By Kelly Bauer | November 13, 2014

Doug Baker is 6 or 7 years old, if his memory serves right.He is on a trip with his grandma from Hood River, Ore., to Monache, Wash., to visit family. Stopped at a cafeteria, Baker piles food atop his plate and sits by his grandma.“I think your eyes...

NIU President Doug Baker discusses his trip to the State Senate, at which he and other university administrators testified about how a 12.5 percent or 20 percent budget would affect the university, during Wednesday’s University Council meeting in the Holmes Student Center. University Council members also voted to pass a student grievance policy and discussed how online class guidelines need to be reviewed by the council.

Baker’s fall midterm earns a mixed grade

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 26, 2014

NIU President Doug Baker has focused on revitalizing the campus through the Master Plan Thesis, but the results have been mixed: Total enrollment has continued to drop and projects are behind schedule, but NIU has seen gains in retention and international...