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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A girl sleeps in her dorm room. Getting good sleep in college is important. (Courtesy of Getty Images)

Getting good sleep in college

By Kahlil Kambui, Assistant Lifestyle Editor | October 24, 2023

Balancing your sleep with school is hard. With late night study sessions, all nighters studying for exams or even late-night college parties, it's hard to get good quality sleep, and it may seem like the school system is working against that.  The...

Vinyl records and turntables take the experience of listening to music to a whole new level.

Vinyl records are a musical lifestyle

By Parker Otto | January 13, 2022
Listening to a vinyl record is something else. You can’t mix up the order and it’s not portable. You have to make a conscious effort to put on an album and listen to it. Just listen and let your imagination take you places.

Fill in the blank: My advice for the end of the semester is…

By Northern Star Staff | December 2, 2019

Stay organizedKyle Mathas | ContributorWhen it comes to the end of the semester, students can lose the motivation to do the work their classes require. Although it can be very difficult to do the work that the teachers give out, it is very important to...

Sleep deprivation could have scary consequences

By Anthony Parlogean | October 9, 2019

Crazy schedules and heavy workloads for college students make the infamous all-nighter inevitable, but a lack of sleep has detrimental effects, both physically and mentally, and may be literally killing you.Americans spend about 36 years of their life...

9 tips to get a better night’s sleep

By Jordan Luxton | March 9, 2017

Sleep is one of my favorite things. I hold onto every minute I can in the morning and look forward to falling asleep after a long day. A good night’s rest can do wonders for your mood and energy. Sleep is obviously necessary to function, so if you are...

Surviving colds in the cold

By Blake Glosson | January 20, 2014

It might seem that being sick just comes with the territory this time of year; however you don’t have to join the misery just because everyone else is doing it.Germs are easily spread when everyone is stuck inside in close quarters. On top of that,...

A breakdown of The All-Nighter

By Troy Doetch | September 26, 2012

I don’t remember much about the first all-nighter I pulled, except that it was a painful. I see flashes of espresso shots, cigarettes and myself with unkempt hair and bloodshot eyes, handing in a mediocre paper on a minor character of the King Henry...

In Focus: Tips for getting through finals week

By Colin Remes | December 1, 2011

Colin Remes Columnist Study early and often, but study just a little bit at a time. Instead of going home and watching TV during your free time, pick up a review sheet or write a few words in that paper you've been putting off. There will always be another...

Freshman nursing major, Elizabeth Dunn, works on getting her
eight hours of sleep. Andrea Drott, health educator for Health
Enhancement reccomends that students get seven to eight hours of
sleep per night for true academic success.

Sleep deprived students may not perform as well in classes

By Faith Healy | September 13, 2011

Getting sleep is an important element to health. For college students, however, it's the one aspect of life they tend to sacrifice to make time for other activities. Senior biology major Yamini Patel said she loses sleep in order to receive good grades....

Online classes are a necessity for some NIU students

By Kiara Herring | September 13, 2011

As of lately, I realized how ridiculously long my days are becoming. I'm on campus by 9 a.m., stuck in classes until 4 p.m., and ambushed by countless meetings and extra-curricular activities that usually keep me on campus until 9 or 10 p.m. Most days...

It's still not too late to raise your grades

It’s still not too late to raise your grades

By Portia Kerr-Newman | March 21, 2011

Everyone knows it's crunch time when it starts getting close to the end of the semester. Most students think that, at this point, grades are pretty much set in stone. Don't worry; there is still plenty of time to improve your grades. First off, you have...

Some students sacrifice sleep and drink caffeine to prepare for finals. Experts say this isn't the best way to study.

Sleep is crucial to studying for finals

By Jacqueline Evans | December 5, 2010

Finals can be stressful, and when students sacrifice sleep in order to prepare for exams, proper functioning becomes difficult. "Sleep is a time for your body to relax, recuperate and to build up the energy you need to get through the day," said Alicia...