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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pass/Fail: voting and Wirtz Hall

By Faith Mellenthin | September 22, 2016

Pass:Earlier this month, voting registration was available to students in several buildings. I know people may be tired of hearing about this subject, but I think this is good. Students are constantly being reminded of the bigger picture and are given...

In this March 18, 2014, file photo, voters cast their ballots in the Illinois primary in Hinsdale.

Voter registration is open on campus

By Northern Star staff | September 13, 2016

In this March 18, 2014, file photo, voters cast their ballots in the Illinois primary in Hinsdale.

How to register to vote

By Northern Star staff | February 16, 2016

Today is the last day to register to vote in the Illinois primary election. In order to register, voters must: • Be a U.S. citizen • Be 18 on or before Election Day in November • Be living in their election precinct at least 30 days before...

Vote in midterm elections

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 28, 2014

Students should take advantage of voting ahead of the Nov. 4 midterm elections.The top two governor contenders — Democrat Pat Quinn and Republication Bruce Rauner — have opposing plans for the state’s budget, and that will affect how NIU will receive...

Pass/Fail: NIU Today release praises English majors, Turnout for SA elections falls short of goal

By Danny Cozzi | September 29, 2013

Pass:  NIU Today release praises English majors“So, do you want to be a teacher or something?”This is the dreaded question for every English major who isn’t actually aspiring to teach. Well, it is to me at least.After years of explaining to nosy...

Student Association President Jack Barry

Students choose new CAB, SA representatives

By Robert Baird | March 28, 2013

Voter turnout for the Student Association (SA) and Campus Activity Board (CAB) elections more than doubled this year. More than 1,500 students voted in the elections held Tuesday and Wednesday. About 750 students voted in 2012, and there were 1,189 votes...

League of Women Voters host candidate’s forum

By Erin Kolb | March 21, 2013

The League of Women Voters of DeKalb County hosted a candidate’s forum Wednesday night at City Hall’s Council Chambers, 200 S. Fourth St., giving attendees a chance to learn about the candidates behind the yard signs. Kay Shelton, president of the...

Video games not as important as civic duty

By Roy Herrera | November 7, 2012

Yesterday, both hardcore and casual gamers welcomed back Master Chief. For those who don’t know, he is a super-soldier in Halo who fights against various enemies in order to protect humanity. It has been nearly five years since we saw him in action....

Voting a privilege to all in U.S.

By Katie Finlon | November 6, 2012

Today, I’m gonna go political on your butt. I’m sure Facebook is reminding you well enough that today’s Election Day—the day in which the fate of our country as we know it will be decided by the American people and the Electoral College. No pressure...

President Obama is the safe, compassionate choice

By Troy Doetch | November 5, 2012

I’m voting for Barack Obama because our economy is improving, gaining an average of 170,000 jobs per month, according to an October Washington Post article. I see no reason to gamble this on former governor Mitt Romney’s mysterious tax plan: a plan...

Top 10 reasons to vote

By Erica Wood-Bedi | October 28, 2012

1. Your parents raised you right: You weren’t raised to sit in a corner and let everyone else make decisions for you. They told you to stand up for yourself, right? Well, that hasn’t changed just because you’re an adult. Instead of standing up for...

Early voting begins on campus

By Samantha Brockett | October 22, 2012

DeKalb County offered early voting and registration in the Holmes Student Center’s Art Gallery Lounge on Monday. Students and residents can register if they missed the deadline to register in October. Early voting and registration are being offered...