Editor’s note: Express Yourself opinion pieces are the author’s opinion alone.
Both the City of DeKalb and the City of Sycamore are asking the same question: “Shall the City Clerk be appointed, rather than elected?” Both cities are attempting to ensure that their respective City Clerks are professional and have the necessary skill set to complete the complex duties of the office.
Sycamore has been fortunate to be able to elect people with those skill sets. DeKalb has not.
It is well documented that over the past 15 years no elected DeKalb City Clerk has completed his/her term of office.
Whether this has been due to the inability to perform the duties or the abandonment of the office, the past 15 years has left the City of DeKalb without the professionalism and skills the residents deserve in the holder of that office.
I encourage the voters of both cities to vote yes on the question.
Bill Finucane
Former Alderman
Second Ward, City of DeKalb