4 groups get funds from SA

By Tammy Sholer

About $3,000 was approved for 1987-88 budget requests from several SA recognized organizations at the Student Association meeting Sunday night.

The first request from ALPHA: Friends of Antiquity, for $1,105.55, was approved by the SA Senate. The organization requested $166 for advertisements, $177 for postage and $176 for posters. In addition, $166.55 was approved for office supplies and $420 for a conference in New York City.

ALPHA brings scholars to speak at NIU about different subjects such as art, philosophy, history or literature. Tom Russo, ALPHA represenative, said attending the conference is essential to the organization because agents are contacted and members can decide which scholars NIU students might be interested in. Also, the members will be able to find out the scholars’ schedules at the conference.

“Every lecture is filled to capacity, (which is) between 100 and 300 students,” Russo said. SA Senator Michael Stumpf said, “They (ALPHA) provide some of the best programming on campus.”

The Minority Graduate Student Association’s request for $1,384.55 was approved. The organization received $185 for advertisements and subscriptions, $6.60 for postage, $37.50 for bookstore purchases, $89.70 for office supplies and $6 for fliers.

The minority association also received $306 for a conference, $441 for travel expenses to the conference and $312 for telecommunications. However, the organization was denied funding to attend a Graduate Record Examination forum in Chicago. The GRE is an examination all students must complete before they are admitted to graduate school, said Brenda Morgan, Minority Graduate Association President.

Two graduate students and two undergraduate students would have attended the forum. Information they received there would have enabled them to tell interested NIU students what is expected of them by the GRE, Morgan said.

“Most of the students are not aware of the test,” Morgan said. But SA Senator Jon Pierce said students interested in attending graduate school do know they have to take the GRE.

The Southeast Asian Club’s request for $261.35 was approved. This club received $166 for advertisements, $60 for office supplies and window displays and $35.35 for printing of fliers and posters.

Club representative Mary McClory said, “The purpose of the club is to make NIU students and the community more aware of Southeast Asian culture.”

The final budget request of $247.95 for the History Club was approved. The club received $162 for advertisements and $85.95 for newsletter and flier printing.

The club was denied funding for car rental to attend a conference in Chicago because the exact location was not determined. The SA usually does not fund for conferences that do not have a specific location.

Club representative Curtis Richardson said the newsletter, which is distributed to history majors and professors, announces awards, scholarships and prints students’ papers.