Finals organizer and planner

Making a schedule helps students visualize to stay focused and prioritize their studying.

By Victoria Lunacek

Finals week is quickly approaching and preparing can be just as difficult as the tests themselves. However, with a notebook and some markers, taking on finals week just got a whole lot easier.

Using this five- to 10-page notebook spread can help students keep study guides organized, as well as help keep track of study hours.


• Notebook

• Markers or highlighters

• Study guides

• Finals schedule


1. The first step is creating the table of contents, which will be page one. This page will also include students’ finals schedule. Below is how to organize the table of contents:

Page 1: Table of contents and finals schedule. Page 2: Study schedule and to do list. Page 3: Lists of study guides, study tips and things to bring during finals week. Remaining pages: one to two pages per class.

After creating the table of contents, create a calendar for the week of finals. Get creative and make it fun with markers and sketches.

2. On the second page, create a study calendar to help keep track of things to get done during the week. Start the calendar as far back as necessary. Choose two to three colored markers; one for classes, one for work and one for study time.

3. The third page is used to keep track of study guides, tips and things to bring during finals week. It helps to create a checklist for the study guides to keep track of which ones are completed.

For study tips, come up with a way to organize class notes. Keep study methods consistent for each class if possible.

4. The next few pages will be for individual classes. Make sure to label each page clearly for each topic or class. One to two pages are perfect, but this number is flexible.

If a student is in a class without a final they should complete a page regardless and write “not needed” underneath the heading. Make sure to write the date and time of each final next to the header.

5. Once done, use a binder clip and secure the study guides or, if using a five-subject notebook, keep them in the folders. Students are now ready to take on finals.