Letter to the Editor: SA advocates for mental health

By Rachel Jacob & Christine Wang

The #NoShameCampaign is a campaign that was started in 2015 by former SA President Nathan Lupstein. This is a campaign that is aimed at destigmatizing mental health issues and to bring mental health awareness to light. By raising awareness about resources available to people who struggle with mental illness and emotional distress, we aim to stimulate positive discussion and eliminate negative connotations surrounding mental health issues. We want to make it okay for people to talk about mental health and to educate people regarding mental health issues.

As the Student Association President and the Speaker of the Senate, it is our goal to ensure that the students of Northern Illinois University are provided with every resource available to them. People who suffer from mental health issues deserve to have their voice heard.

You are not alone. You are loved, and cared about, and we are here to support you. No matter what you suffer from, it is okay to seek help. It is okay to talk about it. Mental health is not something to be afraid of, or something to hide. Like any physical illness, it is something that must be treated, taken care of, and respected.

Please take the #NoShameCampaign pledge and learn more about mental illness and how you can help yourself and your loved ones.

I pledge to see the person, not the condition.

I pledge to educate and promote awareness about mental illness and recovery.

I pledge to create a better tomorrow by modelling healthy coping skills.

I pledge to reach out to, listen to, and accept someone living with emotional distress.

I pledge to ask for help if I am suffering or think I am suffering.

I pledge to make it okay to get help for someone who is suffering.

I pledge to start the conversation and/or share my story.

I pledge to end the silence and to stand up for mental health.