‘No Escape’ questions benevolence, morality

By Vincent Dhan

Although Owen Wilson is known for his comedic roles in movies, audiences will be pleasantly surprised to see him carry out a better than expected performance as Jack Dwyer in political thriller “No Escape.”

The plot of the movie centers on Jack and his family as they move to Southeast Asia so he can begin his new job as head of a water company. When they arrive at their hotel the struggle to adjust to their new surroundings begins, as they find that many of the comforts, such as internet, phone service and television, do not work.

When Jack goes to find a newspaper the next morning at the local market, a fierce rebellion breaks out lead by heavily armed fighters. It is up to Jack to keep his family alive as the rebels take down the city.

Although the plot is a bit generic, the way the film is shown through Jack’s perspective is unique since he has to keep in mind his family for every decision he makes throughout the story.

“No Escape” is definitely a breath of fresh air (as the summer cools down) with characters who audiences can immediately relate to and care about. The movie is overall well-paced with meaningful action sequences that test the morality of Jack and his wife to make spilt second decisions to protect their two children.

The film had great direction and felt grounded to reality. Although “No Escape” has received mixed reactions by audiences, it is still a heart stopping worthwhile experience that will keep you at the edge of your seat until the very end.