Local rapper speaks different truths through EP


Local rapper Matt Muse performs at an Ex’Pression meeting Tuesday. Muse also released his fourth EP, “Matthew Musick,” Tuesday.

By Darius Parker

DeKalb rapper Matt Muse released his fourth EP entitled “Matthew Musick” Tuesday.

The EP includes five songs and an outro. Muse, senior coprorate communication major, released the EP Tuesday in honor of his very first EP release, “Never Stop,” which was released on the same day in 2012.

Muse has performed many times on campus and said he plans to release a series of bonus tracks and music videos throughout the summer. “Matthew Musick” is available for download on SoundCloud and DatPiff and he will also release a special song on April 20 called “The Weed Song.”

Q: What can the fans expect to hear from “Matthew Musick?”

A: Its called “Matthew Musick” because it’s a display of who I really am as an artist, more so speaking on who I am — not like, ‘oh these songs are going to be so deep and mystical because it’s so artistic.’ No, it’s like, ‘this is me, this is what I plan to do. This is what I’m coming for and this is what I stand for.’ And I feel like every single song tells a different side of what I believe and who I am.

Q: Who is “Matt Muse”?

A: I am an artist . Matt Muse is the artistic side of this person I am growing to be. He is a visionary — not just within the arts and just within the music — but a person who believes that the arts can change the world just as much as science, just as much as medicine. Art taps into the soul and if you’re not in touch with your soul you cant live life to its fullest. … Art teaches you to be a fighter; it teaches you to express yourself, to have outlets and just to have fun and be yourself. He is the part of me that is 100 percent comfortable with saying and doing everything that I believe on a bunch of different facets of life.

Q: Will this EP speak to those truths?

A: Yes, Every song speaks to a different truth.

Q: What made you want to take a political stand? What made you want to put that political stand on this EP as opposed to waiting until later?

A: With “Mike Brown,” I’ve always considered myself a rapper with a conscience. Im not a conscious rapper, but Im a rapper with a conscience. I have all right to speak on whatever the hell I feel like speaking on and if something touches me a certain way I speak on it. …. It’s a fight song for people who are living in tragedy because of the color of their skin. You won’t break us down; you can’t stop me no matter what you do. I’m going to be able to stand up because my skin is bulletproof. I would like to say it’s a fight song for the oppressed — not just the black oppressed, either. I would want anybody who hears that song to be able to say, ‘no you won’t stop me. I deserve to have the same rights that you have.’ It’s named after Mike Brown and I’m thinking about changing the name to “Song for the Fallen Kings” because he’s not the only person who has lost his life in these situations.

Q: What do you plan to do with your music to the masses?

A: I plan to get my music out to the masses. I want to get to the highest stage I can get to. I’m not a person who’s looking for fame but I am a person who wants my music to be heard. I feel like I have something in my music that can uplift people. A lot of people in America need uplifting. I feel like when you press play on my songs it puts you in a positive mood. I want my music to hit the masses then inspire the masses and go out and touch some more people.