Obama wins another four years in office

By Samantha Brockett

America will see four more years with President Barack Obama.

The election was decided late Tuesday night with the president receiving 303 electoral votes to defeat Republican challenger Mitt Romney who only had 206, according to CNN news.

CNN reported over 10,000 supporters surrounded the president at Obama headquarters in Chicago as he gave his victory speech and thanked everyone early Wednesday morning. The crowd cheered chants and waved American flags as the president spoke.

“Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard and you made a difference,” Obama said. “Despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for our future.”

Mitt Romney expressed gratitude to his supporters during his speech and he hoped that Obama is capable of directing the U.S. in the right direction.

“This is a time of great challenges for America and I pray that the president will be successful in guiding our great nation,” Romney said.

Before the race, political science professor Scot Schraufnagel predicted that Obama could have won the election because a larger number of Latin Americans participating in voting this election.

“Everything is pointing towards Obama to win,” Schraufnagel said. “Latin Americans are more common in the U.S. then four years ago and they are more likely to vote for Obama. They are the reason that could cause an Obama victory right now.”

Delonte LeFlore, organization and corporate communications major, said he hopes for honesty and sincerity from the candidates, and wants what’s best for the people represented by their officials.

“I hope our elected leaders can work together to stay true to represent their constituents and that voters hold them to their goals they said they would do,” LeFlore said.

The Democrat and Republican college groups had worked to ensure that students learned more about their candidate choices and voted in this year’s election.

College Republican chair Kelsey Shockey said his organization had been working hard to get college students more aware of policies that could affect them.

“We try to bring information to students about policies that will affect them not only now, but also in the future,” Shockey said. “You’re in a bubble when you’re in college. There is much more that you deal with once you are done with school and we want to make them more aware about those things.”

Julie Steichen, vice president of the College Democrats, had been working hard to get students to vote in the election and to learn more information about Obama.

“We helped put together a voter registration drive in September to help get more people to vote,” Steichen said. “Our group has also been in contact with Obama for America to get voters interested in the selection because it is critical.”