Seminar to offer etiquette tips

By Jen Bland

First impressions are very important. How many times have you heard this?

Now you can learn how to make that vital first impression everyone has been warning you about.

June Taylor, president of Pretiquette, Inc., will be on campus tomorrow to let students in on a few helpful hints to make their first impression a good one.

B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. is sponsoring a seminar and lecture series titled “All you Need to Know About Professional Etiquette” so students can learn how to present themselves in the business world, said B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. President Nolen Hendreson.

The conference is from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Center for Black Studies, and the lecture will be from 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room of the Holmes Student Center.

The seminar will focus on restaurant table manners and business images. The lecture will cover interviewing techniques, grooming and first impressions.

“There is a need for students to be exposed to the proper way to present themselves,” Hendreson said.

Rather than dressing in the same dry blue suits, Taylor will offer students alternatives and give them advice to help them portray a positive business manner, he said.

Van Amos, programming coordinator of the Center for Black Studies, said Taylor has two degrees from Northwestern in management and engineering.

Amos said Taylor founded Pretiquette as a “consulting firm that focuses on professional development and the communication needs of young adults.”

“This is a chance for students to expand their knowledge of professional etiquette and to meet June Taylor,” Hendreson said. “Students can gain an insight to the corporate world and get an angle on how to present themselves.”

Amos said, “A number of students seek higher education in the business world and they need to know how to approach professionals.”