Horror antique convention comes to DeKalb


Courtesy of Willy Adkins

A vendor table displays horror antique art items for sale at the 2019 “Dark Art and Oddities” convention.

By Ariel Morris, Lifestyle reporter

DeKALB – Red Roof Inn and Suites will host a “Dark Art and Oddities” convention from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 13 to 14 at 1212 W. Lincoln Highway.

Willy Adkins, owner and founder of “Dark Art and Oddities,” is bringing the horror genre to life by having different vendors present their artwork for visitors to view and purchase. The horror genre has always been a lifelong passion of Adkins’ and he’s worked on this project since 2019 but has worked in other conventions for many years. 

“I started the ‘Dark Art and Oddities’ convention because it features the type of art, entertainment, gifts, antiques and relics that I personally enjoy the most,” Adkins said. “It’s like Black Friday shopping for your most unique and weird family and friends.”

The spooky features are centered for a mature audience because of the horror content on display. The convention will include art, historical souvenirs, jewelry and other collectibles. This event will also host engaging activities such as crafting frames made from small specimens like butterflies with an added fee of more than $5 and a presentation on cryptozoology for approximately $5. These events usually last for about an hour.

“We’re trying to maintain COVID-19 restrictions by not having too many activities going on that will have too many people engaged,” Adkins said. “I’ll try to make both activities broken into multiple workshops.” 

Each vendor at the convention will have their own entertainment for the audience. Many showcased their artwork for incentive purposes, and others used their table to further promote their businesses.

“Weird Darkness” is one vendor occupied by Darren Marlar. Marlar is a known voice artist and actor and also known for creating the podcast “Weird Darkness.” The podcast presents horror-related content such as horror tales, storytimes and other mysterious topics. Marlar will be at the convention to broadcast “Weird Darkness” live. 

“My goal is just to let people know about the podcast and the radio show,” Marlar said. “I wanted to give people the opportunity to come out and say hello to me and me to say hello to my listeners.” 

Tickets will go on sale on Halloween for $10. At the door on Nov. 13 and 14, tickets will cost $12. For more information, visit “Dark Art and Oddities” or reach out to Adkins on Facebook  DarkArtAndOddities.