Halloween-themed gifts for friends


Nyla Owens

With Halloween right around the corner, it might be a good time to get your friends some gifts to celebrate the holiday. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

By Laqes Davis, Lifestyle Writer

October is here, so celebrate the month by surprising a loved one with a spooky gift this Halloween. Prepare to head over to the closest supermarket and begin browsing through the Halloween section to shop for candy, clothing, jewelry and more.

To get started, some gift ideas are pumpkin or fall-themed blankets or pumpkin-shaped hot chocolate bombs that can be found at Target and are perfect for the cold weather. 

For decoration, try gifting a friend fall leaf lights that they can hang up in their room. The leaf lights can be found on Amazon.

Audra Peloquin, a junior English major, said she believes that giving a special gift to your friends can brighten up their day. 

“For my best friend I would purchase seasonal quilting fabric and put it in a cute gift bag and fill it with autumn-themed tissue paper and give Halloween-themed toys for her pets,” Peloquin said.

According to The Days of Gifts, a special gift for the holidays is the most important and memorable moment in our lives. When planning a gift this holiday for your friend, surprise them with something that excites them or shows them that you appreciate them, such as a handwritten letter crafted with Halloween decorations. 

“I think people should surprise their friends with gifts because it’s always nice to receive things, whether it’s something big and expensive or something small and costs nothing,” Kyrah Simmons Hunter, a senior public health major, said. “I know when I receive a gift it makes me feel like I’m doing something right as a friend and it becomes a core memory for me and I would like to assume that others have a similar feeling.”

Simmons Hunter plans to surprise her friends with pajamas, candy and socks gifted in Halloween-themed baskets. 

Janelle Hammond, a senior English major, said she plans on getting her friends similar items this Halloween season. 

All of my friends are girls for the most part, so I think (socks) would be a fun gift because it’s usually cold in October and everyone wants candy at Halloween,” Hammond said. “Or, in case they don’t have a costume, they could wear earrings or socks … Usually, I don’t give gifts to my friends for Halloween, but it would be a cute tradition to start.”