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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Students petition to fill vacant SA seats

By Tammy Sholer | January 20, 1989

Seventeen students filed petitions by Thursday's 4:30 p.m. deadline to fill the seven vacant Student Association Senate seats. Ten students filed petitions for five openings of the 32 off-campus senate seats. There are two vacancies in the 16 on-campus...

Funds approved to correct inadequate lighting problem

By Joel Guggenheim | January 20, 1989

NIU President John LaTourette approved funds this month to correct inadequate lighting problems that campus administrators and student leaders identified during a walking tour of the campus last semester. Intended to identify dimly-lit campus areas requiring...

Program aimed at minority students

By Dan O'Shea | January 20, 1989

Qualified members of minority groups have opportunities to earn $10,000 for graduate school through fellowships from the Illinois Censortium for Educational Opportunity Program. The program provides for annual financial awards of $10,000 for full-time...

NIU hires associate director for UP&A

By Gail LaBarbera | January 20, 1989

After a national search that included thousands of applicants, NIU has a new associate director of University Programming and Activities. Flecia Thomas, a graduate of Illinois State University in Normal, began her job as associate director of UP&A...

Group worried about granting of funds

By Susie Snyder | January 19, 1989

The Illinois Joint University Advisory Committee is voicing its concern that the three Illinois universities are competing with their governing board, the Board of Regents, for program improvement expansion (PIE) dollars. NIU, Illinois State University...

New route will allow Sycamore residents to use Huskie buses

By Dan O'Shea | January 19, 1989

The Student Association Mass Transit Board has initiated a DeKalb-Sycamore route that will allow Sycamore resients to use the Huskie Bus Line. SAMTB Chairman Dave Emerick said, "Student fees will not be increase because of the new route. In fact, in the...

Student’s death provides lesson for life

By Tammy Sholer | January 19, 1989

"(Jim Rodger's) death has stopped us all dead in our tracks ... and made us evaluate how we want to live our lives ...." These were the words of Father Stephen Potter as he spoke at a memorial service for the 21-year-old NIU senior who was shot and killed...

Deadline approaches for petitions of SA hopefuls

By Holly Schubert | January 19, 1989

Students interested in running for one of seven Student Association senator vacancies have until 4:30 p.m. today to submit their completed petitions. Fourteen petitions for five off-campus seats and eight petitions for two on-campus seats had been picked...

Foreign study degree added

By Michelle D. Isaacson | January 19, 1989

Students enrolled in NIU foreign language classes will be able to earn master's degrees in foreign languages and literatures beginning in the fall of 1990. Approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education at its December meeting, the new degree will...

Regents split tops agenda

By Michelle Isaacson and Amanda Martin | January 19, 1989

The possibility of a split between NIU and the Board of Regents, teacher evaluations and the rewording of University Council bylaws headed the agenda of the council's Wednesday meeting. While neither NIU President John LaTourette or Provost Kendall Baker...

Still too early to give up on NIU basketball team

By Mike Morrise | January 19, 1989

I don't usually like to comment on arguable issues. It is much easier to just nod my head, keep my mouth shut and smile when people say things I don't necessarily agree with. But there comes a time when you have to decide to either take a stand or a backseat....

School to keep bookstore

By Stephanie Bradley | January 19, 1989

James Harder, NIU vice president for business and operations, recently accepted the NIU Holmes Student Center Bookstore Evaluation Committee's recommendation to retain NIU-ownership of the bookstore. The recommendation was made at the committee's Dec....