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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pass/Fail: Diversity Dialogues promote discussions, NIU Wi-Fi outages

By Kara Mercer | March 23, 2016

Fail:NIU’s Wi-Fi went down today, which causes a lot of problems for the whole campus. Students rely on their computers to turn in assignments and do research. Professors often rely on the internet for their lectures. Offices around campus communicate...

Pass/Fail: NIU to offer empowering leadership event, College of Law provides acceptance opportunity without LSAT

By Hanna Markezich | March 21, 2016

Pass:NIU is offering a Mentor Summit, according to an NIU announcement, that will help show students the power of mentoring and the benefits that come with it.This event, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 2 at Barsema Hall, is a chance for students to learn how...

NIU must promote

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 21, 2016

NIU faculty and administration need to do more to promote as a learning tool that can be used by students and faculty in and outside of the classroom.The Division of Information Technology signed a 3-year, $218,700 contract with in...

NIU must promote to faculty, students

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 21, 2016

NIU faculty and administration need to do more to promote as a learning tool that can be used by students and faculty in and outside of the classroom.The Division of Information Technology signed a 3-year, $218,700 contract with in...

In Focus: Would you recommend to students, faculty?

By Northern Star staff | March 21, 2016 is an online learning company meant to teach people the skills needed to achieve their career goals, according to their website. NIU signed a three year contract with in November that would allow students and faculty access to the...

Students should follow cuts made at other universities that mirror NIU

By Kaylyn Zielinski | March 10, 2016

NIU students need to stay informed on other state universities and their changes to higher education due to state budget cuts as an example for what their future may look like.Illinois’ eight-month budget impasse has caused college students to ask themselves...

Students should be productive during spring break to prevent later stress

By Kara Mercer | March 10, 2016

Students should use their spring break to be productive and prevent later stress. If students get bombarded with work, it could take away from the other opportunities that spring break allows so it is best to plan things out at a pace that suits the individual...

Pass/Fail: Green Initiative to spark movement, Cost of Convenience has poor location

By Kara Mercer | March 9, 2016

Pass:The Green Initiative could spark more green movements.NIU continues to take steps towards having a cleaner campus. The Green Office initiative is an initiative sponsored by the Student Association to make offices on campus greener.The initiative...

NIU students need to involve themselves in higher education changes

By Kaylyn Zielinsk | March 9, 2016

NIU students need to stay informed on other state universities and their changes to higher education due to state budget cuts as an example for what their future may look like.Illinois’ eight-month budget impasse has caused college students to ask themselves...

Students should vote early before leaving for spring break

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 7, 2016

Before students head home or to their spring break destinations next week, they should vote early in the 2016 primary election to make sure their voice is heard.Spring break is from Sunday to March 20, which means many students may not be in DeKalb for...

Pass, Fail: NIU received $1M in scholarships, Feed’em Soup in need of donations

By Hanna Markezich | March 7, 2016

Pass:Because of the Give Something Back Foundation, NIU will be receiving $1 million in scholarship money for future Huskies, which may help improve the enrollment for NIU as more students will be able to afford tuition without loans.Illinois high school...

Pass, Fail: Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education to hold concussion panel, Budget impasse affecting NIU staff, student ratio

By Kaylyn Zielinski | March 3, 2016

Pass: Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education to hold concussion panelDepartment of Kinesiology and Physical Education will hold a panel discussion to discuss how concussions affect young, developing minds on March 22.This is great way for...