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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

IRA’s actions causing more harm than good

September 8, 1988

The IRA never ceases to amaze me. As a point of clarification, I'm not referring to "Individual Retirement Accounts," although they amaze me too. (The only things I understand about money are that I like it, and I want more.) I'm talking about the Irish...

NIU officials search for student center director

By Matt James | September 8, 1988

NIU officials are still in the process of forming a search committee to find a new director for the Holmes Student Center, despite promises made last spring to have a new director chosen by the start of the fall semester. The director's position has been...

Actions clarified

September 8, 1988

While the Sept. 7 story in The Northern Star entitled "Instructor to take NIU to court" was correct in most parts of its reporting of my actions in response to the "REG" stamp fraud of spring semester, 1988, I would like to clarify several points. I never...

Regents’ presidential choices are embarrassing universities

September 8, 1988

The Board of Regents consistantly have shown poor judgement in their choice for university presidents. The past two presidents for NIU have generated plenty of negative news for the university. And most recently, the president of Sangamon State University,...

Big Band Sounds are Back

By Elizabeth M. Behland | September 8, 1988

The sound of a jazz big band—popular from the 1920's and 1930's, flows from a downtown DeKalb drinking establishment one night a week, providing the town and NIU students with the jazz sound that they cannot get anywhere else in the area. NIU Graduate...

Instructor expects NIU to top national scores

By Elizabeth M. Behland | September 8, 1988

An NIU accountancy professor said NIU might regain its national first rank status for the Certified Public Accountant exam overall passing rate. NIU Accountancy Professor John Simon said the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy ranked NIU...

DOC just hunting for witches

September 7, 1988

Southern Illinois University was the first university in this country that brought college-level education to Illinois' inmates 34 years ago. And now SIU as well as NIU will not be renewing their contracts with the Department of Corrections because they...

At least the dorms are equipped

September 7, 1988

NIU's Student Housing Authority deserves a pat on the back and at very least a thank-you from students living in Grant North, Stevenson South, Douglas Hall and now Neptune North residence halls for finding a way to give students something during a time...

Affirmative action not everything expected

September 7, 1988

Affirmative action, though once touted as the solution for all complaints of racism and discrimination, has not turned out as expected or even as hoped for those it was intended to benefit. Even as defined now in current dictionaries, affirmative action...

NIU forced to step backward

September 6, 1988

For the second year in row, NIU has suffered the veto power of Gov. James Thompson. Last year, he slashed $53 million from higher education which resulted in a 4 percent cut for NIU and a $150 mid-year tuition increase. This year, the governor struck...

Time, there is never enough to go around

September 6, 1988

People like Michael Fortino are probably necessary, but it is necessary for him to be so depressing? Probably. He lives in Pittsburgh (which has suffered enough) and runs a consulting firm specializing in "priority time-management training," a new form...

Faculty receives pay raise

September 6, 1988

All NIU faculty and staff, employed as of June 30 1987, received a 2.48 percent salary increase as a result of new pay rates approved by the Board of Regents this summer. For fiscal year 1989, faculty pay increases were distributed on a 25 percent basis...