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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The case against Judge Robert Bork

September 30, 1987

The battle lines over the confirmation of Judge Bork are drawn more sharply and bitterly than is usual because the future of some large and weighty constitutional rights is deeply in doubt. Bork's defenders—and the judge himself—cast the nominee as...

Is this Jim Fabris?

September 30, 1987

I remember Jim Fabris. I never knew him personally, but I admired him. While I was publicly silent about my political views, he was out protesting, forming organizations and trying to bring about change in a world full of injustice. But I read a letter...

Unfair portrayal

September 30, 1987

Mike Lacy's use of Rhonda Silverstein (Thurs., 9/17) as an example of a "pathetic" and "deplorable" person, who does not take advantage of the opportunities afforded to us as Americans, was very inappropriate. I know Ms. Silverstein is very active both...

Press portrayed Biden too narrowly

September 30, 1987

In barely more time than elapsed between the first press reports of Gary Hart's indiscretions and his forced withdrawal from the Democratic presidential race, Deleware Senator Joe Biden has gone from serious contender to shocked victim—done in by news...

Fee increases will not solve problem

September 30, 1987

As the last strains of "no tuition increase" echo throughout campus—for the time being anyway—faint whispers of "fee increase" have risen to take their place. Fee increases are nothing new. They take place every year and are generally accepted as...

JLS vs. Wingfield

September 29, 1987

Well, Duschene, you've done it again—written a column under the guise of being informed, but instead, showing the NIU community just how ignorant you truly are. Your Sept. 16 column about the article I wrote for the JLS indicated that during the Wingfield...

Council advises on women’s issues

By Mark Indreika | September 29, 1987

The Presidential Commission on the Status of Women is a group which has been working to help improve the lives of women at NIU.

Arlene Neher, a member of the commission, said its purpose is to gather information on issues related to the status of women at NIU, and then to report policy recommendations to the president. She said the commission acts as a liaison between the rest of the campus and the president's office.

Commission Chairwoman Sue Mellard said their work is useful because, aside from assisting in policy-making decisions, it also helps educate the public. She said people become more aware of the different issues facing women because of the research.

"We've had a long-standing commitment to this (helping women)," said Mellard, administrative secretary to the dean of the College of Law.

Neher, also director of the the Arts and Science Outreach Program at the College of Continuing Education, said the commission was formed by former President William Monat in 1981 as an advisory body researching the status of women at NIU.

Neher said one of the biggest problems facing women has been their underrepresentation in leadership positions. She said one of the main goals of the commission has been to try and change this. "We encourage women students to become leaders and develop their full potential."

Neher said the commission gives out 40 to 50 student leadership awards each spring to women students who have demonstrated leadership abilities.

NIU Affirmative Action Director Marilyn Monteiro, a non-voting ex-official member of the commission, said, "Women have talents that need to be explored and need to be utilized."

Neher said the commission is studying how computers are affecting the lives of women in working situations. She said this is a concern because of the possible health hazards people face from sitting in front of a computer screen all day.

She also said the commission is interested in doing a possible study on the salary differences between men and women working at NIU.

Mellard said the commission is not a court, and does not handle the problems of individual people. However, she did say anyone who knows of a problem on campus concerning women as a group should contact her.

The commission has 12 voting members, three of which are students. Mellard said the Student Association appoints the student members each year. She said this year's appointments should be announced by the end of the week.

Thanks for return

September 29, 1987

Several weeks ago, I lost a pocket engagement calendar on the NIU campus. I never expected to see it again. owever, last week someone on campus found the calendar and sent it to me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank that unknown person. David...

Improve the Star

September 29, 1987

On Sept. 8 the Star published half of a letter I had submitted, in which I complained about the quality of the newspaper, particularly its misleading headlines and poor copy editing. However, it failed to publish the second half of my letter, in which...

Hypocritcal group

September 29, 1987

I commend organizations that speak out when they see social injustice. Yet, when they themselves have committed the same crime, I lose faith. The SA Welfare Committee protested the showing of "Deep Throat," yet, just last spring the SA Tenant Union (I...

Creative columns

September 29, 1987

My compliments to Gretchyn Lenger on well-written, articulate columns. I do hope many members of the university community take the time to read your written word. Your approach to timely issues is both creative and practical. Keep up the good work. Judith...

Biden forgot lesson of twenty years ago

September 29, 1987

Senator Joseph Biden withdrew from the Democratic presidential campaign last week after reports that he had plagiarized a paper in law school 20 years ago, plagiarized other politicians in his speeches and falsely enhanced his academic record. Law students...