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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Start exercising now if you want to fit that halloween costume

By Aaron Brooks | October 2, 2011

A year ago, Jessica Jenks, a former colleague of mine, wrote a Halloween column reminding students that, "Your cellulite, love handles, stretch marks and cankles are not attributes that should be flaunted. Luckily, I'm reminding you to start working out...

Cutting funds for Planned Parenthood is wrong

Cutting funds for Planned Parenthood is wrong

By Jessica Jenks | March 1, 2011

The House of Representatives voted to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood on Feb. 18. The representatives pushing to pass the bill claimed that federal funding should not go toward a place that advocates and provides abortions. Although abortion...

Self-esteem is something that has to come from within

Self-esteem is something that has to come from within

By Jessica Jenks | February 23, 2011

The media is not to be blamed for the self-esteem problems of females. Girls should be taught at a young age to be confident in themselves and have a high self-esteem. "My family and friends definitely helped to shape my self-esteem, especially my grandmother."...

In Focus: What do you think of Governor Quinn’s budget  address?

In Focus: What do you think of Governor Quinn’s budget address?

By Northern Star Perspective Staff | February 17, 2011

Jack Baker, columnist My solution to the budget problem is pretty simple: Stop spending money! The State of Illinois can't keep raising taxes and borrowing money in order to pay the bills if they're then going to still increase the overall budget by $1.7...

In Focus: How will you be spending your Valentine’s Day?

In Focus: How will you be spending your Valentine’s Day?

By Perspective Staff | February 11, 2011

In Focus question: For many, Valentine’s Day is a holiday to celebrate love and relationships. For others, it is just S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day). How will you be spending your Valentine’s Day?Aaron Brooks, columnistUnfortunately I will be in class...

NIU needs to get better commencement speakers

NIU needs to get better commencement speakers

By Jessica Jenks | February 1, 2011

I am not just envious. I am green with jealous rage at schools that have people whom I admire give their commencement addresses. Unfortunately, NIU never has fun speakers for commencement. "If CAB looked into it I'm sure something could possibly happen,"...

In Focus: What do you plan on doing differently this semester?

In Focus: What do you plan on doing differently this semester?

By Perspective Staff | January 27, 2011

Jack Baker, columnist Last semester, I didn't really do those reading assignments for class. When a teacher would assign a chapter to read in the textbook, I would think to myself, "sweet, no homework." But that's going to change. I actually bought all...

Women still face a double standard in the media

Women still face a double standard in the media

By Jessica Jenks | January 23, 2011

Women step onto a scale at a young age. Not to weigh themselves, but to balance themselves. This is especially true for women in professional settings. A woman must be a loving, nurturing spouse and mother and then step into the workplace and somehow...

Getting married makes no sense

Getting married makes no sense

By Jessica Jenks | January 19, 2011

A woman once proclaimed, "If you like it, then you should have put a ring on it. Oh, oh, oh." She said this because marriage is obviously the human equivalent of the "Unbreakable Vow" in Harry Potter. Oh wait, except it is not. The divorce rate in the...

In Focus: What is your New Years Resolution?

In Focus: What is your New Year’s Resolution?

As a culture, we like to think that every year is a new opportunity to start fresh. Whether it's trying to lose weight, quit smoking, or be better people overall, as soon as the clock strikes midnight on Jan. 1, 2011, we make a resolution to improve our...