The Patton Problem: ‘An unacceptable situation’
By The Northern Star Editorial Board
| March 3, 2011
In focus: Is the new plus/minus grading system for the better?
By Northern Star Perspective staff
| February 24, 2011
In Focus: What do you think of Governor Quinn’s budget address?
By Northern Star Perspective Staff
| February 17, 2011
Poor understanding leads to poor actions
By Northern Star Editorial Board
| February 3, 2011
Blizzard plus no school equals…what?
By Taurean Small, Jessica Jenks, Portia Kerr-Newman, Alyssa Pracz, and Kathryn Minniti
| February 3, 2011
In Focus: What do you plan on doing differently this semester?
By Perspective Staff
| January 27, 2011
In Focus: What is the best/worst thing about Thanksgiving?
By Aaron Brooks, Phil Case, Jessica Jenks, Kathryn Minniti, Logan Short, and Taurean Small
| November 18, 2010
$5,000 donation to student scholarship fund for NIU hospitality
By Letter to the Editor
| November 2, 2010
Self-plagiarism policy doesn’t account for coursework redundancy
By Dave Thomas
| November 2, 2010
Time keeps on slippin’ slippin’ slippin’ and ruining your future
By Taurean Small
| November 2, 2010
Power Grid, not cars, is the key to sustainable energy
By Logan Short
| October 26, 2010
Richard Randall’s character suits the position of Kendall County Sheriff
By Letter to the editor
| October 26, 2010