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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU community walks to reduce violence

By Amy Kreeger | November 21, 2010

People in the community rallied together in the Walk With Women Against Violence on Sunday in the MLK Commons. Head coordinator Megan Flack, along with coordinators Candace Anderson and Christine Munz, all senior family and child studies majors, said...

Donations welcome to help Keller scholarship blossom

By Alex Fiore | November 18, 2010

Sunflower heads are made up of nearly 2,000 separate flowers. These flowers are not particularly impressive individually, but become something beautiful when put together. This can be seen as an apt analogy for the NIU community, who has come together...

Do us a favor and stop hating your school, and get involved

By Editorial Board | November 11, 2010

There's a problem on this campus that stinks to high heaven, and that problem is one of self-loathing. NIU is facing image problems stemming from the recent events revolving around the Antinette Keller homicide investigation, crimes close to campus and...

Scholarship to honor Keller

By Alex Fiore | November 8, 2010

A scholarship has been set up in honor of NIU freshman Antinette "Toni" Keller. The scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman art major and will pay for freshman year funds. Keller, who went missing Oct. 14, was an art major. Anyone who wishes...

DeKalb: Still safe, still beautiful after tragedy

By Aaron Brooks | November 4, 2010

I wish I had the time to gather the appropriate statistics for this counterpoint. Although with my trip to D.C. and upcoming tests I do not have the time. I wish I could show you that the student-to-officer ratio at NIU is on par with other state universities,...

An open letter to Clay Campbell

By Editorial Board | November 3, 2010

First off, a congratulations to you, Mr. Campbell, on your victory. Although we endorsed your opponent, we believed that both of you were qualified candidates for the position and that, no matter who was elected, you would have served DeKalb County admirably....

Don’t blame the RHA; students prioritize

By Letter Writer | November 1, 2010

In reply to Mr. Baker's letter in Thursday's Northern Star--Mr. Baker, in his letter criticizing the Residence Hall Association for holding an NBA watch party on the same day and time of the memorial to a fallen NIU student makes the mistake in assuming...

William Curl

Psychological evaluation for suspect charged with Keller’s murder

By Kyla Gardner | November 1, 2010

William P. Curl, the man charged with the murder of Antinette "Toni" Keller, will be evaluated by a clinical psychologist as announced Monday morning during his second court appearance.Regina Harris, head public defender and Curl's defense attorney, said...

Students reactions in investigation

By Alex Fiore | October 31, 2010

The desire for new information regarding the death investigation of Antinette "Toni" Keller by NIU students and the DeKalb community has been consistent since her disappearance on Oct. 14. When it was announced on Oct. 29 that William P. Curl, 34, of...

DeKalb police will increase patrols for Halloween

By John Bachmann | October 28, 2010

Extra safety precautions will be implemented this weekend for Halloween. It was announced Tuesday during a press conference that the case for missing student Antinette "Toni" Keller was reclassified as a homicide investigation, and local authorities say...

In Focus: How can you stay safe this Halloween?

In Focus: How can you stay safe this Halloween?

Halloween. The time when the roving bands of students will be replaced by The Flintstones, The Simpsons, and the cast of Star Wars (the original trilogy, not the new ones). But the homicide investigation of Antinette "Toni" Keller has prompted a campus-wide...

DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen (left) and DeKalb County State's Attorney John Farrell address the media Tuesday morning at the DeKalb City Council Chambers.

Police say remains too “badly burned” to determine identity

By John Bachmann and Kyla Gardner | October 26, 2010

Police revealed Tuesday that remains found in Prairie Park were so badly burned that authorities couldn’t determine whether they were human until a week after they were found. DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen said at a media briefing that although the...