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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Google sees all users do with new privacy act

By Dan Martynowicz | February 21, 2012

Someone once stole my Mother's identity and used it to send threatening letters to President Bush.Do I have your attention? Good.A few hours later, three heavily armed secret service agents came to my house in a black sedan. Nothing kills a party like...

Northern Star wins awards at ICPA convention

By Northern Star Staff | February 19, 2012

The Northern Star took home 16 individual awards and an honorable mention in general excellence Sunday at the Illinois College Press Association convention.Several current and former staff members won individual awards for their contributions to the paper....

Suiting up pays off in certain situations

By Dan Martynowicz | February 14, 2012

I only dress nice for special occasions, like going to Walmart or the flea market. Most of the time my style is very college-student-y. I have an extensive collection of junior high T-shirts which make me look like The Incredible Hulk, ratty jeans and...

The absolute worst gifts for Valentine’s Day

By Daniel Martynowicz | February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day is a day of gifts and gift giving, but with the undertone of proving your love. It's a lot like Christmas. The difference is that if you mess up the cookies, Santa always comes back. Your significant other may not.This is a lot of pressure...

In focus: Who is your least favorite Republican candidate?

Parker Happ I know that Trump endorsed Mittens for the GOP Nominee. I also know Donald Trump. That Apprentice ratings can stay gold for only so long and Trump's book, Time To Get Tough - which boasts a Dick and Jane sized font and content equally as...

My identity according to Super Bowl commercials

By Dan Martynowicz | February 5, 2012

According to NBC, the average cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad is $3.5 million. I would imagine this puts quite a bit of pressure on advertisers to hit the correct demographic. Thomas Oates, assistant professor of journalism, told me about a game his...

Automated messages make for holes in walls

By Daniel Martynowicz | January 23, 2012

I would consider myself a patient man. I can wait for hours at the DMV, listen to crying babies on an airplane, and watch The Notebook.However, if I have to navigate through one more automated customer service representative, I'm going to lose my mind....

Ten reasons why you secretly love winter

By Dan Martynowicz | January 22, 2012

The first snow of winter is like an ex girlfriend you haven't seen in a while. It's beautiful, glistening and carries with it bygone memories of happiness, love and joy. Then you see her a second time and you remember why the two of you split; she's cold....

A resolution to end all resolutions

By Dan Martynowicz | January 16, 2012

Like many Americans, my New Year's resolutions last about as long as an iPhone charge. According to a study published by the University of Scranton's Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year's resolutions. Twenty-five...

Book buybacks underway around DeKalb

By Dan Martynowicz | November 29, 2011

As the semester draws to a close, many students look to sell textbooks. Local businesses like Copy Service, 1005 W. Lincoln Highway, Village Commons Book Store, 901 Lucinda Ave., and the NIU Book Store, 340 Carroll Ave. offer new and used textbooks to...

Holiday fires cause deaths annually

By Dan Martynowicz | November 27, 2011

A fire in your home this holiday season could extinguish the holiday cheer. According to a press release from the DeKalb Fire Department, the National Fire Protection Association and the U.S. Fire Administration, an average of 430 fires involving Christmas...

Post-graduation paths aren’t always clear

By Dan Martynowicz | November 20, 2011

Graduate school or real world, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of further education, or to take arms against a decimated economy. I would continue parodying Billy, but he's boring and this is detracting...