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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Asking students about their interest in Donald Trump impeachment trial

By Kennedy Jones | January 24, 2020

The Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump has now entered its fifth day according National Public Radio. Several students in DuSable Hall were asked if they had been following the impeachment trial and what their thoughts are on the subject....

Interviewers Urge Applicants to Think Creatively

By Mackenzi Butson | September 13, 2018

Earlier in my college career, I was made aware that “big name” employers are deviating away from standard interview questions, such as “What makes you a good fit for our company?” and focusing on other obscure questions to throw you off your already...

Tips to prepare cover letter, resume for job

By Mohammed Taha Faridi | February 1, 2015

Students must be well-prepared for the Feb. 17 and 18 internship and job fairs.Students need to have an updated resume and cover letter and they should be ready to speak to professionals in the field of work they want to go into.Here’s how they can...

Q&A with Pat Tomasulo

By Aymie Telinski | April 29, 2013

WGN-TV sports anchor Pat Tomasulo is known for mixing sports and comedy into his reporting each morning. Tomasulo tested out his funny bone at a sold-out show on Saturday night at ComedyComedy at the Tap House in Oswego. In the seven years he has been...

Q&A with Doug Walker

By David Stenger | March 25, 2013

Doug Walker of is an Internet comedian who is well known for playing his character, the Nostalgia Critic. Walker is an alumnus, and graduated from NIU with a degree in communications. While between panels at Karoshi-Con Saturday,...

Christina Sutcliffe

Coach’s Corner: Christina Sutcliffe

By Katelyn Connery | February 18, 2013

Softball coach Christina Sutcliffe is not only in her first season as a head coach in the Huskies program, but in her first season as a head coach altogether. Though she may be unfamiliar with the DeKalb area, she is knowledgeable on the game of softball....

‘We want to be the team everybody in the MAC wants to be’: new coach Doeren talks NIU football

By Andrew Singer | April 13, 2011

More than four months after being hired, the Northern Star caught up with first-year head coach Dave Doeren of the NIU football team Wednesday morning. The former Wisconsin defensive coordinator filled the vacancy left by Jerry Kill, who accepted an offer...

Meet your new 14th District congressman Randy Hultgren

Meet your new 14th District congressman Randy Hultgren

By Jessica Sabbah | February 6, 2011

Congressman Randy Hultgren was sworn in on Jan. 5 to represent the 14th District. The Republican beat out incumbent Bill Foster for the position in the midterm election in November. The Northern Star recently talked with the new congressman about everything...

Led Zeppelin cover band playing at Otto’s

By Lilli Mauser | November 17, 2010

Tonight, Otto's Nightclub, 118 E. Lincoln Highway, will host iconic cover band Led Zeppelin 2. The band is comprised of Bruce Lamont (lead vocals), Chris Klein (bass guitar, keyboards, mandolin, bass pedals), Ian Lee (drums) and Paul Kamp (guitar). The...