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Last full moon brings calm, Mars has other ideas

Weekly horoscopes for Jan. 28 – Feb. 3
A graphic depicts a blue and purple space background with 12 constellations spread out in a circle. The horoscopes for this week suggest resilience and an idle work week. (Northern Star File Photo)

The full moon in Leo on Thursday brought a newfound tranquility, or to some placements, a lack of excitement. The full moon might have brought new revelations, many of which were unexpected and much-needed. Fortunately for some and unfortunately for others, planets are stable this week, except for Mars remaining in Capricorn. With Mars in Capricorn, resilience and frenzy are main themes this week, but the comedown from the full moon allows a balance between hard work and idleness; quite a paradox, huh? 

With contradicting energies lingering in the air, here is how each sign should take advantage of the current astrology: 

Aries (March 21 – April 19) 🔥 

You tend to do well in moments of frenzy, and you’re no stranger to determination and chaos, but you might have agreed to too many responsibilities. With the full moon being over, you might not have the rigor to tackle all tasks at once any longer, but don’t fear, you’ll still get your work done. Try spacing tasks out and take advantage of your sudden bursts of energy when you can. Refrain from putting too much pressure on yourself.  

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 🪴

You might have had a rapid change in plans over the last couple of weeks, and such changes might be discouraging. With Mars in Capricorn, the chaotic energy you’re facing might be tailored toward travel and/or education, so don’t be surprised when things take a sudden turn. Keep a steady footing, and don’t let this energy overly impact you. When Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius in mid-February, your plans might revert back to their original vision. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) 🌬

You might have noticed those around you becoming more agitated and fed-up, but none of this energy is toward you. Refrain from blaming yourself for the issues others are facing, and make sure to not take on others’ problems as your own. You don’t need to fix your loved one’s concerns; they’re not your responsibility. This week, take time to evaluate your own problems and give yourself the proper rest you need. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 🌊

Similar to Gemini, your loved ones might have been more upset than usual, and you might have gotten into a few quarrels that were discouraging. These issues are all for the welfare of your relationships; your connections will only grow closer as you navigate these issues. Stay grounded and clear-minded while working through arguments, and be sure to not cut off any relationships this week; it’s not a good time to sever ties with loved ones. 

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) 🔥

If you’ve felt exhausted recently, you’re not alone. January has brought you excitement and new beginnings, but it has also been filled with unnecessary interruptions. With the comedown from the full moon, you might find yourself sleeping in later and slacking on daily routines. You might run into a friend or fling from the past, but don’t let the encounter get to you. People are in the past for a reason, so focus on your well-being instead. 

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) 🪴

Unlike some of the other signs, this week might bring you joy and reassurance in newfound relationships. Over the last year, your romantic pursuits might not have gone the greatest, but the relationship you’ve developed over the last couple of weeks has the potential to go very far. All the chaotic emotions you’ve been dealing with will come to a halt, so you’ll finally have the opportunity to feel positively about all the hard work you’ve been putting in. 

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) 🌬

You tend to put a lot of effort into others, even if it’s not reciprocated, but this week, things might change. You might feel extremely burnt out and exhausted, possibly leaving important tasks unfinished. You might finally receive long overdue favors from family and/or friends to help with your lack of motivation. Trust the people around you to take care of you during your time of idleness; it’s well deserved.  

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) 🌊

You might have been incredibly busy recently and even found yourself leading a team, specifically at work. I wish I could say this business is coming to an end, but it’s not. Luckily, your important relationships might provide you with the relief you’ve been needing, so even with the increased stress at work, you’ll be able to unwind at home. Your work-life balance might improve, taking some of the stress off your shoulders.  

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) 🔥

As a naturally explorative and exciting sign, you might find it easy to combat stress, so the chaos of this week might not affect you. Instead, you might find yourself spending your paycheck at a rapid rate. You might have expected the holidays to be your bank account’s downfall, and with the contradictory energy this week brings, your spending might be at a high. Be sure to keep track of your purchases and refrain from buying unnecessary items. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) 🪴

While Mars is in your sign, the business other signs are facing might not impact you in the same way. You still might be go-go-go, but your schedule might be filled with exciting events to do with your social circle. This week is about connecting with your platonic relationships and making sure you’re putting in effort to build closer connections. Go out for a drink, and have fun!  

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) 🌬

Although it’s your season, you might feel overwhelmed with what everybody around you is dealing with. Use this week to revamp your priorities, and make sure to include you as one of them. If your anxiety has been at a high, allow yourself to take a step back and reevaluate what is making you anxious. Take yourself out to lunch to serve as a reward for how much effort you’ve been putting toward those around you. Try your best to stay grounded and relaxed during this week. 

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) 🌊

You might have felt a combination of excitement and anxiety towards a new project you’ve embarked on, but this week, things might change. You might finally relinquish this anxiety and look at this project in a new light. Try to keep your head clear and use the excited energy as a motivator. Toward the end of this week, you might finally feel content with your workload and flow, so be sure to celebrate!

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