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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The DeKalb Public Library sign is lit up at night. The Library will be hosting its annual fall book sale from Oct. 20 to Oct. 22. (Northern Star File Photo)

DeKalb Public Library to host fall book sale

By Jonathan Shelby, Lifestyle Editor | October 11, 2023

DeKALB – The DeKalb Public Library is gearing up for a sale of books and more.  The selections that are on sale are in good condition, and include the following genres such as fiction, science fiction, gardening, cookbooks, mystery, biographies,...

The entrance for NIU’s Esports gaming arena that held the recent Retro Smash Bros tournament on Tuesday in Altgeld Hall, Room 100. Retro Smash Bros night was hosted as a part of the 116th Homecoming week. (Ariyonna McGahee | Northern Star)

‘Smash from the past’ revives retro games

By Jonathan Shelby, Lifestyle Editor | October 11, 2023

DeKALB – Since the early 1970s, video games have spread far and wide across the world and have seen significant improvements. However, as more advanced games are released year after year, the older consoles and games become more scarcely available to...

The DeKalb Public Library sits under a cloudy sky located in downtown DeKalb. Jazz In Progress will visit the library on Oct. 14. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Join Jazz In Progress for late night jazz.

By Jonathan Shelby, Lifestyle Editor | October 4, 2023

Jazz In Progress, also referred to as JIP, is a nonprofit organization that uses the funds they earn from their performances and donates it to local community music programs and organizations. Communities that have received funding from JIP in the...

One of the pages titled 'love lasts' from author Tatianna Salisbury's book "words my heart needed to hear" being flipped. Salisbury has several dates in the DeKalb and Rockford area in October where she will be promoting her debut poetry collection. (Courtesy of Tatianna Salisbury)

NIU alum showcases book, poetry events

By Sarah Rose, Managing Editor | September 27, 2023

NIU alum Tatianna Salisbury released her debut poetry collection “words my heart needed to hear” in June. The collection features poems and short stories that express the ugly and dark side of the human experience and the cycle of love.  Salisbury...

A group of people dance on a hardwood floor. Dimensions Dance Academy begins its Fall Ballroom series Oct. 7. (Courtesy of Getty Images)

DeKalb fall dance classes offered

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | September 26, 2023

DeKALB – Step into the fall with a pair of dancing shoes. Dimensions Dance Academy is beginning its Fall Ballroom series offering dance classes and social dancing. Classes begin 7 p.m. Oct. 7 at Dimensions Ballroom at 134 E. Lincoln Highway with Tango...

Proton Tattoo, a tattoo shop for customers in downtown DeKalb, 125 S. Fourth St., sits on a cloudy day. Proton is celebrating 20 years in DeKalb on Oct. 15 with a free party open to the public. (Ryanne Sandifer | Northern Star)

DeKalb’s first tattoo shop celebrates colorful history

By Sarah Rose, Managing Editor | September 24, 2023

Proton Tattoo established itself in DeKalb 20 years ago, laying the groundwork for tattooing in a town where tattooing was illegal. The owner, Chris May, started this business with his best friend Jon Bowman from elementary school. It was an arduous battle...

The Open Door Coffee Truck parks at the Taste of DeKalb. The Taste of DeKalb is one of the many fun events happening in DeKalb this weekend. (Northern Star File Photo)

Hang out in DeKalb this weekend

By Eli Tecktiel, Lifestyle Writer | September 20, 2023

If you’re bored and have no weekend plans for the weekend, the local DeKalb community has you covered. Here are just a few of the fun events being offered in the area this weekend. FAMILY WEEKEND The annual Huskies Family Weekend takes place this...

The Hopkins Park Bandshell sits unattended on a cloudy day. On Sept. 23 The Burning Cicada Music Festival will be hosted at Hopkins Park. (Northern Star File Photo)

Join DeKalb for free music festival

By Sarah Rose, Managing Editor | September 14, 2023

DeKalb – Enjoy a hot day out in the sun and gather with your local community for an annual music festival. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 23, Hopkins Park will host the Burning Cicada Arts and Music Picnic Festival, 1403 Sycamore Road. This event...

A piece of artwork which shows pieces of hair sewn into a white shirt. This piece is on display in NIU's Altgeld Hall as part of the "The Remaining, Mourn..." exhibition. (Caleb Johnson | Northern Star)

Art Museum opens grief, loss exhibit

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | September 11, 2023

Death and mourning, both things are universal experiences and part of the human condition. The exhibit "The Remaining, Mourn…" now on display at NIU’s Art Museum, looks at these core themes.  The exhibit was curated by NIU alumni Millicent Kennedy...

Business Spotlight: Barb City Laundry

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | September 8, 2023

Editor’s note: This article is not sponsored by Barb City Laundry and is not an endorsement from the Northern Star as an organization. Barb City Laundry, formerly known as Laundry Lounge, has been chosen as Northern Star’s business spotlight. The...

An inflatable bear kite and other kites fly above DeKalb High School. DeKalb's annual Kite Fest will take place on Sept. 10 and is free to attend. (Courtesy of John Shea Jr.)

DeKalb art, entertainment to look out for

By Sarah Rose, Managing Editor | September 7, 2023

DeKALB – Take advantage of the warm weather and step outside to enjoy local activities and support local vendors or get your mind blown at a magic concert.  KITE FEST From 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 10, the DeKalb Park District will host its...

Families sit together during the 2017 DeKalb Kite Fest. This year, the festival takes place on Sept. 10. (Northern Star File Photo)

DeKalb’s 18th Kite Fest ready to take flight

By Caleb Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | September 6, 2023

DeKALB – The DeKalb Kite Fest comes back for its 18th year. The fest will take place at 11 a.m. Sept. 10 in the DeKalb Kiwanis Park and will be hosted by the DeKalb Park District. "The Park District is happy to continue this long-standing DeKalb...