Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Mixed-up values?

March 26, 1987

A survey of college students reported by the Education Commission of States found that "the values showing the greatest increase since 1972 were: being well-off financially, being an authority, having administrative responsibility for others and obtaining...

Vote for a change

March 26, 1987

As a concerned student of NIU, I am writing this letter to the editor to remind you, as students, of your right to vote in the Student Association's executive elections this week. In light of recent publicity I would like to remind the students of the...

Racist entertainer

March 26, 1987

If silence means agreement, then I cannot be silent when I think of the racism and sexism openly supported by Otto's on St. Patrick's night. With the racial tension we are experiencing at Northern, it is amazing to me that a neighboring bar would encourage...

X-rated Ottos?

March 26, 1987

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Isn't it ironic that in the middle of Sexual Assault Awareness week, Otto's Tavern would sponsor an evening of X-rated entertainment? The management of Otto's actually paid somebody to come in...

Scrutiny necessary in furniture matter

March 25, 1987

When news broke about Iranscam, President Reagan later vowed to the public that investigations would not stop until it was revealed exactly who was responsible and what methods were used to funnel funds. The same attitude should be taken when it comes...

State doing its part to halt teen suicide

March 23, 1987

The best way to cure a spreading problem is to attack it at its roots. At least in Illinois, the recent string of teen-age suicides is being treated in this manner. The state took a giant step forward Thursday in its efforts to combat the problem by seriously...

Speakers needed

March 23, 1987

As a member of the Student Association Speakers Committee from 1983 to 1986, I was very glad to learn of Jesse Jackson's recent speech at NIU. It is good to know that since its reorganization last spring, the new (and supposedly improved) CAB Speakers...

‘Irritated’ by JLS

March 20, 1987

When I came to NIU as a transfer student last fall, I realized that NIU would be different than a junior college and I would see a lot of radical things, but never has any organization irritated me as much as the John Lennon Society. Since last fall,...

Unbiased media?

March 20, 1987

The recent actions of the Northern Star and other media outlets are a sad, sad indictment of the Northern Star and the news media in general. Certain groups have only to make wild accusations or allegations with little, if any, factual information or...

Divesting first step to wipe out racism

March 20, 1987

In light of recent bouts of racism at the university, the NIU Foundation's choice to withdraw funds from companies that indirectly support apartheid in South Africa was a wise one. The decision will have far-reaching positive implications in dealing with...

What’s so wrong about acting out an impulse?

March 20, 1987

Sometimes when you get an impulse, you've just got to go with it. Words of wisdom or an invitation to disaster? Pull up a chair, fall down on the sofa or sink into your beanbag bed and we'll chat about this. Just for the time being, let's say you're like...

SA shouldn’t loan

March 20, 1987

Come one, come all. Step right up and get your applications for Student Association loans. If the Student Association has enough student activity fees left over to (wrongly) loan money to the Gargoyle, then they'd probably be ludicrous enough to loan...