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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A screenshot from this week’s street interviews shows Opinion Columnist Santiago Montañez interviewing students Kennedy Smith (left) and Kailyn Williams. Senior Opinion Columnist Emily Beebe and Opinion Columnist Santiago Montañez asked students about the El Niño winter. (Anna Scanlan | Northern Star)

Street interviews: El Niño

By Emily Beebe and Santiago Montañez Bertoletti | January 18, 2024

The first week of the new semester brought frigid temperatures. Before the bitter cold, students were interviewed about their feelings toward the El Niño winter.  Although we haven’t witnessed many warm temperatures so far, El Niño holds the...

A graphic shows two images of Sexiest Man Alive award winner Patrick Dempsey. Opinion Columnist Olivia Zapf interviewed students about whether they find Dempsey sexy. (Joey Trella | Northern Star)

Street interviews: Patrick Dempsey, hot or not?

By Olivia Zapf, Copy Editor | November 30, 2023

There is no doubt that Patrick Dempsey holds a place in the hearts of many “Grey’s Anatomy” fans. From his role as McDreamy in the hospital drama to his role as a sheriff in the 2023 movie “Thanksgiving,” Dempsey has proven to be a versatile...

 A graphic includes two people and kindness logos. Opinion Columnist Alberto Briones interviewed students about the late Matthew Perry. (Joey Trella | Northern Star)

Matthew Perry remembered by students

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | November 16, 2023

  The world is overwhelmed with grief by the death of "Friends" star Matthew Perry.  Perry, age 54, died at his home in Los Angeles on Oct. 28, according to Business Insider. Many viewers watched "Friends" and felt they could relate to the characters....

Street Interview: What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve seen?

By Lexi Nebel, Opinion Columnist | October 27, 2023

Here's the link to our video of this week's street interviews to watch alongside our story on TikTok. As the end of October creeps up, one of the most highly anticipated holidays on NIU’s campus approaches. Halloween is an exciting time of the year...

Street Interviews: Are you ready for the end of the semester?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | April 25, 2023

DeKALB –The end of the semester is upon us, spring weather is flourishing (for the most part) and the NIU community is eager for the break to begin. Finals, however, will rear its intimidating head in a couple of weeks, and students are beginning the...

Street Interviews: What are your thoughts on a TikTok ban?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | April 18, 2023

DeKALB – Fearful China is gathering sensitive data, and threatening American security, through the popular social media app, some congressional officials are advocating for a TikTok ban. However, last month’s infamous (and rather senseless) quizzing...

Street Interviews: Thoughts on the recent weather

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | April 6, 2023

DeKALB - In the past week, DeKalb has had storm warnings along with tornado warnings. DeKalb had some heavy rain along with some thunder and lightning throughout the last week, causing some classes to get canceled.  DeKalb also had some tornado warnings...

Street Interviews: Do you use Huskie Hub?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | April 4, 2023

DeKALB – Huskie Hub, the online platform for student organizations on campus, is accessible as an app. Student organizations can post notices about upcoming-events, communicate with their members and much more. However, while many students find the...

Street Interviews: Thoughts on the Huskie statue, Oorah

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | March 28, 2023

DeKALB –  The Huskies on Parade statues sprinkled across DeKalb have served as a source of unity and remembrance since they were installed in memorial of the Feb. 14 shooting at NIU.  The theft of one such colorful Huskie, however, is a shock and...

Street Interviews: Who do you want to win March Madness?

By Nanette Nkolomoni, Copy Editor | March 21, 2023

DeKALB – With the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) March Madness Basketball tournament taking place, many are tuning into the tournament eager for their favorite team to win.  Tuesday, NIU students gave their thoughts on the March...

Street Interviews: Selena Gomez or Hailey Bieber?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | March 7, 2023

DeKALB – As Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber fans battle for the honor of their favored celebrity, the situation is becoming increasingly heated. Among NIU students, the general consensus seems to be an urgency to rally behind Selena, who has remained...

Street Interviews: What are your thoughts on ChatGPT?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | February 27, 2023

DeKALB –From Bing’s unsettling alter-ego, Sydney, to writing generators such as ChatGPT, artificial intelligence is on the rise. Far from Terminator-level threats, but clearly still a serious discussion, the concern on campus is that students will...