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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Street Interviews: What was the most memorable Super Bowl Halftime show?

By Angelina Padilla-Tompkins, Former Editor in Chief | February 20, 2023

DeKALB – The 57th Super Bowl was on Feb. 12, with the Kansas City Chiefs winning 38-35 against the Philadelphia Eagles. While football fanatics tune in for the games, many turn on their TV to watch the famous halftime show. This year was hosted by Apple...

Street Interviews: Should DeKalb have a Metra Train Station?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | February 10, 2023

DeKALB –With NIU students arriving on campus from all over the state and globe, the idea of a Metra Train station located closer to NIU is strongly appealing. From increased traveling accessibility to weekend trips into the Windy City, support for the...

Street Interviews: Do you still watch award shows?

By Nanette Nkolomoni, Copy Editor | February 9, 2023

DeKALB – Award shows used to be something I would often look forward to. They were fun and exciting to watch with many jaw dropping moments. Whether it’s Beyoncé performing a smash hit, Drake confessing his love to Rihanna, or Ye running onto stage,...

Street Interviews: How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | February 6, 2023

The holiday of sweethearts, lovebirds and Cupid’s mischievous arrow will soon be upon us. Not all NIU students, however, have majorly romantic plans this year. The life of a college kid is a busy one! Whether this Valentine’s Day finds us with candlelit...

Street interviews: Thoughts on NIU naming new mascot Mission III?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | January 27, 2023

NIU introduced Mission III, the new Siberian Husky live mascot, to replace Mission II, whose time frolicking in NIU spirit was spectacularly done, but who will step down due to allergy complications. The new mascot being named Mission III continues the...

Street Interviews: Should NIU have a fall break?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | January 22, 2023

DeKALB –While NIU engages in a Thanksgiving break every November, the university does not have fall break, as some other schools do. Whether or not to implement one is a debate that continues, but the issue is tricky. While an extra day to sleep...

Street Interviews: Where do you get your news?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | November 16, 2022

DeKALB – Through the Northern Star, students may sign up to receive the daily TLDR newsletter. However there is a long list of press available to the public, from The New York Times to CNN to BBC, and there is an equally long list of platforms on...

Street Interviews: Do you believe the midterm elections are important?

By Philip Arduini, Opinion Columnist | October 29, 2022

  DeKALB – Tuesday, Nov. 8 is election day for the midterm elections. This means Illinoisans will be able to cast their votes for governor, congress and local positions regarding Illinois politics. NIU students discuss the importance of midterm...

Street Interviews: Is the voting process easy?

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | October 28, 2022

  Editor's note: Online voter registration for the 2022 midterm election in Illinois is closed, but voters can still register or update their registration using grace period registration through election day at select locations, according to the...

Street Interviews: Are you voting?

By Philip Arduini, Opinion Columnist | October 27, 2022