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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Selfies: Honesty, insecurity and community shown at campus event

Selfies: Honesty, insecurity and community shown at campus event

By Jessi Haish | March 2, 2014

Zachery Cramer wakes up every morning and looks in the mirror to see bags under his eyes.The freshman business management major says he sleeps and takes care of himself, but the bags are still there.“I’ve had these bags for, like, 12 years,” Cramer...

Feedback wanted for Douglas dining

By Dan Ehrhardt | October 3, 2013

Students will be able to give feedback on their Douglas dining experiences through an online survey.The survey, which will be released later in the month, is designed to allow customers to be heard, share concerns or see how things are going in regard...

Pass/Fail: Huskie Stadium sells out for first home game, Douglas sees less traffic for vegetarian dinners

By Danny Cozzi | September 22, 2013

Pass: Huskie Stadium sells outNIU made a head-spinning comeback on Saturday against Eastern Illinois, but that wasn’t the best part of the football weekend.The passing grade here is the game sold out for the first time I can remember, and NIU won its...

Chlorissa Saint Arbor, freshman English and Spanish major and freshman sociology major Jessica Jimenez sit in the Douglas Hall dining area Sept. 9 and enjoy the newly implemented vegetarian menu.

Douglas food caters to vegans, vegetarians

By Jennifer L. Collins | September 16, 2013

While some meat-lovers have balked at new dining options in Douglas, vegetarians have rejoiced.Douglas Hall now serves a vegan/vegetarian menu, and the only time meat is served is when it’s on the hall’s international menu. The vegetarian choices...

Blotter 10/1

By Northern Star | October 2, 2012

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provides police reports on the Web at

Oct. 1, 2012

At 1:04 p.m. on Sept. 27, an officer was sent to Douglas Hall in regard to a report of theft. The officer met with the complainant and took a report. On Monday, the complainant contacted the officer to advise them the item was located.

At 1:14 p.m., an officer was sent to the NIU Police Department in regard to a report of theft. The officer met with the complainant and took a report. This case was administratively closed due to a lack of leads.

Blotter 9/30

By Northern Star Staff | October 1, 2012

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provides police reports on the Web at

Sept. 30, 2012

At 12:24 p.m. on Friday, an officer responded to the Psychology and Computer Science Building in regard to a report of theft. The officer met with the complainant and took a report. Sunday, the complainant was referred to the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct for filing a false police report.

At 2:42 a.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle at the 100 block of Annie Glidden Road. The driver, Louie A. Eboli, 19, of Lombard, was arrested for unlawful consumption of alcohol by a minor and zero tolerance DUI. Eboli was processed at the at the NIU Police Department and released on individual bond.

At 6:54 p.m., officers were sent to Douglas Hall in regard to a report of theft. Officers met with the complainant and took a report. The case is open pending further investigation.

Blotter 9/15-9/16

By Northern Star Staff | September 17, 2012

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provides police reports on the Web at Sept. 15, 2012...

Blotter 9/5-9/8

By Northern Star Staff | September 9, 2012

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provides police reports on the Web at Sept. 5, 2012...

Nivek Kelly, freshman honors student statistics and probability
major, exits the Honors House located in Douglas Hall C wing.

Honors House plans to move into new residence hall complex

By Juliana Leprich | October 17, 2011

Honors House has found a new home. The floor, currently located in Douglas Hall, will move to the new freshman residence hall complex next fall. Christopher Jones, associate vice provost for University Honors, said he secured the move. Jones said he approached...

Three hit-song-writing sites

By Alex Fiore | August 29, 2011

Historically, September is a monster month for albums. The Beatles' Abbey Road (1969), Beck's Sea Change (2002), and Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska (1982) were all released as fall began. Maybe it's the crisp air and changing colors, or maybe it's the return...

Campus crime blotter for March 22

By Northern Star staff | March 21, 2011

The following was taken directly from the University Police. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law. The University Police Department provided police reports on the Web at March 11 At 1:59 p.m.,...

NIU campus crime blotter for March 7

By Northern Star staff | March 6, 2011

Feb. 25 At 3:42 p.m., the theft of a purse was reported to have occurred in Douglas Hall. The purse was left unattended in a classroom. After canvassing the area and finding no evidence, this case is administratively closed. Tuesday At 8:52 p.m., a...