Northern Star




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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Bikers are not the issue; paying attention is

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

I entirely disagree with Taurean Small's article about bike riders on Sept. 21. As a bike rider I am mindful of my surroundings and always shout to pedestrians, I even do my best to avoid sidewalks to stay out of people's way. I even slow down at corners...

Respect is needed between bikers, walkers, and drivers

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

I am writing in protest of Taurean Small's article on helpful suggestions for bikers.Though I do agree with Small on the issue of sidewalk biking, going so far to call all bikers "potential killers" is uncalled for. As bikers, we should all be riding...

Point taken: “Alcoholism is not a joking matter.”

By Logan Short | September 21, 2010

As Deirdre Clarke requested in his letter to the editor yesterday, "Alcoholism is not a joking matter," I should address the line I wrote which reads, "Alcohol may make it easier to vent, but it cheapens those feelings to a $3 shot at the bar, unless...

Volleyball team appreciates support from fellow Huskies

By Letter to the Editor | September 21, 2010

On behalf of the volleyball team, I would like to thank you for your amazing support Tuesday night. Fortunately, I'm able to say that I've been here since the Convo opened in 2002, and the atmosphere has never been that electric. I want to make sure to...

Letter to the Editor: Alcoholism is not a joking matter

By Letter Writer | September 20, 2010

I am really offended by somethingwritten in <a href="">Logan Short's column about drinking Thursday.While I agree with the overall pointof not using alcohol...

Tony Martin’s columns bash what students like

September 19, 2010

Please, do not let Tony Martin write another article for our paper ever again. Everyone just makes fun of his articles and he bashes on topics that most students are in favor of. I have not seen him write one positive article, ever! He needs to go because...

Assertions made by DeKalb City Council are absurd

By Letter Writer | September 15, 2010

Jeremy Piscoran's article covering Monday's DeKalb City Council meeting in Tuesday's Northern Star included the city manager's positions that a) restructuring DeKalb's debt to free up money for city hall remodeling would have no impact on taxpayers;...

Media forgets to cover what media should remember

By Letter to the Editor | September 14, 2010

Things need to change! What I mean by this is why is it tragedies and mishaps that are the priority of media outlets? Well, actually, I guess I do have an answer, ratings...but come on Northern Star...I understand that the article about the plane crash...

Irony in using death penalty on alleged baby murderer

By Letter Writer | September 12, 2010

I just wanted to comment on the storytitled "<a href="">Prosecutorsto seek death penalty in Stockton case" which appeared in theNorthern Star on Wednesday.This...

Not all of us are privileged students

By Letter Writer | September 8, 2010

As I was flipping through the Northern Star Tuesday, I stumbled upon Logan Short’s article “For me, U.S. health care system is great.” Upon reading the article, I must say I was pretty angry. The thought that someone would be so disappointed because...

Letter to the Editor: Fellow Huskies: Please pick up your trash

By Letter Writer | September 6, 2010

I was walking across campus to andfrom my car and I could not help but notice the amount of trash allover campus. It has only been little over a week and there are popcans, bags, coffee cups, lids and Northern Stars all scatteredacross the once clean...

State persecutes medical marijuana users

By Letter to the Editor | September 1, 2010

Why is Illinois trying to pass a law[on medical marijuana] that was already passed in 1978?For 32 years this state has had thislaw [the Cannabis Control Act] on books. This law was to beimplemented by our state's public health department who failed todo...