Northern Star




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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Former DeKalb State’s attorney endorses Chami in election

By Letter Writer | October 17, 2010

Who will you elect to prevent crime in your community? Orientation. For 18 years, Clay Campbell represented criminals convicted of murder, sex assault and domestic battery. Clay is a career criminal defense attorney. He did not put bad guys in jail as...

Foster deserves the support of NIU students during early voting

By Letter Writer | October 17, 2010

NIU students can early vote at Holmes Student Center Oct. 18 to 21. Two forms of ID required with current address. This is your opportunity to easily participate in the democratic process. Congressman Bill Foster deserves support from NIU students. Rep....

Disappointment over publication of derogatory comments

By Letter Writer | October 17, 2010

As NIU staff working to promote healthy body image among our students, we were disappointed that the Northern Star chose to publish a letter to the editor on Oct. 6, that commented on the Recreation Center's new dress code, and included derogatory comments...

Letter Writer: NIU Libertarians will stage anti-war protest

By Letter Writer | October 13, 2010

Last Thursday marked the nine year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks. But what does this mean for Americans? Many citizens assume that with the reduction of troops in Iraq and the few news reports coming out of...

Vote for Bob Brown; he opposes the expansion of the county landfill

By Letter Writer | October 13, 2010

I am a resident of DeKalb County BoardDistrict 6. One of the most important local issues in the upcomingelection is the planned expansion of the county landfill.The current County Board District 6member, Steve Walt, voted yes to create the 17-county dump...

Vaccines prove progress is making religion outdated

By Letter Writer | October 12, 2010

I was intrigued by Kathryn Minniti's article "Practicing Your Religion is a Right Until it Imposes on Another's Rights." To set the bar, I'm an atheist and here's my assertion: Anyone who identifies themselves as Christian, who also agrees with Kathryn's...

Misusing your body is abusing your privelege to be a human being

By Letter to the editor | October 5, 2010

Big thumbs up to Logan Short. The sleeveless shirt policy at the Rec was the last, tiny motivator for me to stop going there and get a gym membership in town. I used to go to the Rec four mornings out of the five days I am on campus; I didn't really like...

Letter to the Editor: T-shirts will not stop MRSA

By Letter Writer | October 4, 2010

I am writing in regards to the article on wearing shirts at the Rec. I have e-mailed them three times and have been ignored. I did research on MRSA and learned that this rule does not protect us from MRSA and that there are much better ways in preventing...

Letter to the Editor: Tony Martin’s articles are trash journalism

By Letter Writer | October 4, 2010

I have read several of Tony Martin's articles now, and I cannot fathom why the Northern Star allows this man to continue writing for the publication.His articles are the epitome of stilted journalism, and not the kind that I would expect to see on the...

Democrats are not to blame for country’s ills

By Letter Writer | September 29, 2010

While all the facts that Mr. Ewing pointed out in his letter Tuesday detailing Democrats being in charge of Congress when the recession started are true, I believe that he has erred in his apparent conclusion that the Democrats are the ones solely responsible...

Kissing someone of the same gender is not a big deal

By Letter to the Editor | September 28, 2010

I have a question for columnist Portia Kerr-Newman about her article "Don't Look for Moral Guidance in Reality TV" from Friday's issue. What does Portia mean when she says, "when heterosexual women kiss each other for the fun of it, there's a problem....

Democrats are responsible for poor economy, poor state of the nation

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

It seems like just yesterday that I attended NIU. Now I find most of my working years behind me and decades of your working life ahead of you. Upon graduation, you will need to find a job to help pay your student loans, living expenses, taxes, and your...