Northern Star




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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Letter to the Editor: Students have input in selecting priorities

By Lisa Freeman | February 12, 2015

The Northern Star’s Monday editorial suggested student voices will not be heard in NIU’s important Program Prioritization initiative.I am writing to correct that misperception. Student voices will be important to this initiative.This week we launched...

Letter to the Editor: NIU smoking rules need enforcing

By Jordan Anderson | January 28, 2015

I’m a junior marketing student. I spend a lot of time in Barsema Hall. Every time I leave the building after class, there is a congregation of eight to 12 students standing just outside the entrance to Barsema smoking cigarettes.If you want to ruin...

Demand companies sell safe jewelry

By Heather Klain | December 2, 2014

With the holiday shopping season upon us, everyone has the opportunity to make jewelry purchasing choices that support peace and development in one of the deadliest conflict zones in the world.Jewelry is a gift that carries a message of love. In the spirit...

Attend meeting for John Street

By Diane DeMers | October 26, 2014

As a 25-year resident of the Ellwood Historic Neighborhood, I am very concerned about what lies ahead for this beloved cluster of older homes and majestic trees burrowed between NIU and downtown DeKalb. The fate of the John Street area of this neighborhood...

Reflect on reasons for school

By Ryan Pumroy & Nick Fleming | October 20, 2014

We would like to comment on the Pass/Fail column in the Oct. 16 edition of the Northern Star.“If I don’t go to class I won’t know what will be on the test,” according to the column. This is likely true; however, what if there were no tests or...

Letter to the Editor: Drink name not fit for print

By Rebekah Kohli | October 15, 2014

I am writing to express my disappointment and disgust over the name of a drink recipe the Northern Star chose to publish in its recent Homecoming issue.Publishing the “Horny Girl Scout” drink recipe was both in poor taste and antithetical to NIU’s...

Baker: Explain the raises

By Sharon May | October 1, 2014

Please read this as a continuation of my Wednesday Northern Star letter to the editor.Nancy Suttenfield’s 33 percent raise was simply justified on her Personnel Action Form as “per President Baker;” this reason was included in my Aug. 4 letter....

Letter to the Editor: Huskie Safe Line fixes old problems

By Tom Phillips | August 28, 2014

As a result of collaboration with students, NIU recently launched the Huskie Safe Line service to improve service, addressing issues with the now-defunct Late Night Ride.The Late Night Ride system was a point-to-point transportation system available to...

Letter to the Editor: $15 minimum wage would not damage economy

By Kristina Kroger | September 9, 2013

I was troubled and disturbed by a column run on Tuesday, titled “Raising minimum wage: troubles for businesses, workers.”First off, Ms. New begins by quoting a very reliable source, Robert B. Reich, former secretary of labor, as saying that a hike...

Letter to the editor: Presidential search should be public

March 19, 2013

I am not happy with the changes in the presidential hiring process at NIU. Paul Palian, director of media and public relations says, “We’re using a closed door, hybrid approach with stakeholders, including faculty, staff, alumni and foundation board...

Letter to the editor: Reader upset with mistake

By Letter to the editor | April 24, 2012

I am writing this email with disappointment that I feel towards the Northern Star because of the lack of expertise and care to detail by the writers and editors. The misspelling of the champions of one of the biggest student events on campus, in my opinion,...

Letter to the editor: WeCare provides for women

By Letter to the editor | April 23, 2012

An article posted April 11 describes pregnancy centers, specifically We Care Pregnancy Clinic (WCPC), accuses the centers of providing biased information. As an NIU student, a member of WeCare4NIU and a volunteer at WCPC, I have seen how many women are...