Northern Star




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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

‘De-baptism’ does not make any sense

By Letter Writer | November 14, 2010

On Thursday, the NorthernStar displayed images of the Atheists, Agnostics andFreethinkers "de-baptism" event. I find this event to be moreconfusing than offensive.It is confusing because an atheistbelieves that there is nothing to believe in and that...

Student upset over football parking rules

By Letter Writer | November 11, 2010

Dear NIU Parking Services,I am a senior living in Lincoln Hall.As you can see, I have not been disappointed with Housing andDining or Parking Services in the past (I’m still living in thedorms, after all). However, I have to say that yourfootball game...

Student Association needs bylaw fairness

By Letter writer | November 10, 2010

In response to the editorial article, "SA deserves praise for new bylaws policy" I would like to address a few issues that seem to have been overlooked.The article (and Student Association) appear to be targeting only groups with founding values that...

Be careful what you wish for

By Letter Writer | November 9, 2010

"I would like NIU students to know how important they are to recruiting future Huskies," Katherine McCarthy, associate vice president for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, said in Monday's Northern Star. "Everyone on campus is a recruiter. By...

Wikileaks story one-sided

By Letter Writer | November 8, 2010

My letter is in response to the article "Wikileaks provides a public service" in Thursday's paper. The author seems to ignore some important information while making his argument. Wikileaks is an outside organization that is stealing information from...

$5,000 donation to student scholarship fund for NIU hospitality

By Letter to the Editor | November 2, 2010

I want to thank NIU for housing the tenants of 916 Greenbrier Road when the roof flew off the building. NIU provided immediate assistance, and I drove one tenant to Neptune Hall to spend the night. So grateful no one was injured. A temporary roof has...

Thank you to all who helped with STEMfest

By Letter Writer | November 1, 2010

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in NIU's first STEMfest. Thirteen academic departments, numerous student organizations and several outside collaborators partnered with STEM Outreach to fill the arena and multipurpose room of the Convocation...

A responsible, informed public is needed for good, responsible leaders

By Letter Writer | November 1, 2010

Thursday's Perspective articles dealt<a href="">with the contentious issues of the public office and <a href="">the...

Letter to the editor: Luebke brings right qualities to clerk position

By Letter Writer | October 28, 2010

I'd like to ask you to vote for my friend, Jim Luebke, who's running for the office of DeKalb County Clerk. Jim and I both serve on the social ministry team at First Lutheran Church, and I know him as a caring and committed person who takes responsibility...

Letter to the Editor: Chami an easy decision for DeKalb State’s Attorney

By Letter Writer | October 27, 2010

We have an easy decision on Nov. 2when it comes to selecting DeKalb County's next State's Attorney.Sarah Gallagher Chamihas the experience, expertise and community commitment necessaryfor the job.Her opponent, on the other hand, doesnot have the experience...

Richard Randall’s character suits the position of Kendall County Sheriff

By Letter to the editor | October 26, 2010

I was hired by Sheriff Richard Randall in 1991 as one of the first female deputies to work in Corrections for Kendall County. I was 23 years old, a single mom without an education except for a high school diploma and had no clue as to what I wanted to...

Negativity in political ads are unnecessary

By Letter to the Editor | October 19, 2010

I wish I had a dime for every time I saw a negative political ad on television. I can't believe the negativity coming from each commercial, Democrat or Republican. It would be really nice if candidates could just have ads that say, "While my opponent...