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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

In Case You Missed It: Fall 2014

In Case You Missed It: Fall 2014

By Rachel Scaman | December 2, 2014

Sept. 22: Bus routes change for safetyHuskie buses were moved back to the turnaround on the west side of the Holmes Student Center due to pedestrian safety concerns on Sept. 29.The bus turnaround was moved to a strip east of the Holmes Student Center...

Card cracking scam dies down

By Rachel Scaman | November 6, 2014

Police say educational efforts have helped lead to one of the longest lulls in “cracked card” crimes in 10 years.Cracking cards occurs when recruiters get a PIN and a debit card from a person and deposit counterfeit checks into the person’s account....

Students facing higher costs for travel to city

Students facing higher costs for travel to city

By Rachel Scaman | October 16, 2014

Students may see a $1 increase in the Elburn train’s one-way ticket price come February if the Metra board approves a fare hike at its meeting Nov. 14.If the hike is approved, one-way tickets will increase from $7.25 to $8.25, 10-ride passes will increase...

Local Jimmy John’s security breached

Local Jimmy John’s security breached

By Rachel Scaman | September 30, 2014

Local Jimmy John’s registers will use new card readers to protect customers following a security breach that affected about 216 stories, including one in DeKalb.Jimmy John’s released a statement Wednesday saying it learned of a possible security breach...

Students' Legal helps homeless

Students’ Legal helps homeless

By Rachel Scaman | September 3, 2014

As people who lived in the condemned 912 Edgebrook Drive complex try to find places to live, Students’ Legal Assistance is ready to help students left homeless.The building was condemned by the city Aug. 22, forcing student-tenants to move out. Students’...

What’s your opinion on NIU’s redesigned webpage for current students?

By Northern Star Staff | August 24, 2014

Kevin BarteltThe update to’s Current Student portal provides much more clarity than the prior page.The page’s list layout is easier to read than the boxed-off sections before the change.The best part of the Current Student update is the helpful...

In Focus: What are your thoughts on campus construction?

By Northern Star Staff | July 20, 2014

Kevin BarteltI have mixed feelings about the campus construction this summer.I’m excited because the bike paths, a renovated Stevens building and removing Douglas are huge steps in renovating the campus. NIU will look noticeably better in the upcoming...

In Focus: What projects do you want to see done before the fall?

By Northern Star Staff | July 13, 2014

Kevin BarteltThe sexual assault prevention task force should have transparent goals by the start of the school year.It’s great news that the school is taking a stand against sexual assault. Although the task force is new, the members should be open...

In Focus: What changes do you want to see within Athletics?

By Northern Star Staff | July 6, 2014

Kevin BarteltI’m glad athletic director Sean Frazier has been proactive throughout his first year at NIU.My only suggestion for him to consider while constructing his Facilities Master Plan is to create goals that can be accomplished by a reasonable...

Why should you or shouldn’t you get an internship?

By Northern Star Staff | June 22, 2014

Kevin BarteltStudents should definitely take advantage of summer internships.NIU offers students many internships. Career Services has a great program called Huskies Get Hired! You can narrow down your search options to specific interests, location and...

Retiring legal director found work ‘fulfilling’

By Rachel Scaman | June 15, 2014

Don Henderson, Students’ Legal Assistance director, will be retiring after 36 years of work at NIU.The Students’ Legal Assistance staff consists of two licensed attorneys and students from the College of Law who serve as law clerks. Joseph Lovelace...

In Focus: What are some fun things to do over the summer?

By Northern Star Staff | June 15, 2014

Kevin BarteltDeKalb has many scenic nature areas where people can enjoy the views and warm weather. Take a bike ride down the DeKalb Nature Trail during the day.If you’re on the path about an hour before sunset, keep an eye out for deer, raccoons and...