Weekly horoscopes: May 18 – May 24


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The astrological signs shown in a sticker pop art style on a light blue background.

By Abigail Lamoreaux, Chief Copy Editor

For the astronomically inclined, May 15 was a wild day. There was a full moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio, lovingly called a “blood moon.” This, paired with Gemini season incoming, means that we are called to pursue peace and quiet whenever we can. We must prioritize finding balance and harmony during this chaotic season of our lives if we are to not only survive, but thrive.

Aries (March 20 to April 19)

Find freedom in rules. As a fire sign, your energy is often like a spark ready to turn into something more. However, if not contained, your passion will consume you and everyone around you. Find parameters that are easy to follow and allow you creative freedom. Rules are a wonderful tool that you can use to your advantage.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Happy birth season! Trust that the work is being done. You’re likely a worrier, especially in areas of your life that concern other people. A big challenge that I encourage you to undertake is to have faith in your peers and loved ones. They know what they’re doing. If they can trust you and your growth, you can extend the same courtesy to them. 

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Happy birth season! You’re gearing up for a big adventure. You deserve to have as much fun as humanly possible, but it will do you well to get back to basics once in a while. Who are your best friends? Where is home for you? Don’t be swept away by the magic of a new thing to then forget your “old” life and experience culture shock upon your return home. 

Cancer (June 21 to July 21)

Don’t ignore your sensitive side. Because the moon rules your sign and has just gone through a series of intense events, you may be going through similarly intense situations, and that’s OK. Immerse yourself in water-based soothing experiences: have some tea, draw a bath. Your mental health will thank you.

Leo (July 22 to Aug. 22)

Do you feel lost? Don’t be discouraged because the path ahead isn’t clear. You will figure it out. Try to let your subconscious navigate through the forests of indecision, and eventually you will emerge on the other side with at least a seed of a plan. Nurture this plan until it bears fruit. This new chapter of your life should be exciting!

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Don’t pretend to be happy if you’re not. As the mutable earth sign, you have a knack for adapting and resolving conflicts. This means you tend to put others first. However, it’s time to take care of yourself for a change and confront the deep sadness behind your cheerful façade. Problems don’t go away if you just stop looking at them. 

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

When’s the last time you did something crazy? This week, do something outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you’ve never gone fishing; maybe you’d like to learn to roller skate. Find something COVID-safe and beginner-friendly and try something out! Now that it’s summertime, you get to “choose your own adventures.” 

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

You’re in pros-and-cons mode. After Monday’s full moon and eclipse occurring in your sign, you’ve likely been feeling the effects. Don’t be discouraged by the hand you’ve recently been dealt. Fix your problems in a tried-and-true way: with facts and reasoning. Is what you desire going to be better or worse for you than what you already have? 

Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20)

Don’t push yourself too hard all at once. It can be tempting to throw yourself at tasks until they’re complete, but that’s not a sustainable way to go about many of life’s daily activities. Learn how to divvy up your time in a responsible and logical way so that you can follow a flexible schedule of your own design. 

Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 19)

Congratulate yourself! You’re usually strict with yourself, knowing that you need to maintain a certain schedule, a certain appearance, the list goes on. However, you have done a lot of good recently. In a journal, try listing the various amazing things you’ve recently accomplished and you may begin to change how you see yourself. 

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 17)

Are you growing impatient? Perhaps there’s been a thorn in your side for weeks or even months. It’s time to confront it. You probably don’t like being angry, but rage is a part of human nature. Don’t block yourself off from it — express that anger in healthy ways. Your inner child is already throwing a tantrum. Your adult body may as well follow suit.

Pisces (Feb. 18 to March 19)

Purge and humble yourself. Often, you may run to others for validation or an ego boost. This can most often manifest on social media. It may do you well to stay off social media for a little while. Determine how long you will stay away and then commit to it. See how a Twitter-free life can feel, and then decide whether you really need to come back.